Search Results for "Rajika"

Dr. Rajika Kuruwita

HITS Independent Postdoc

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New observations confirm computer models how massive stars are born as multiples

Astrophysicists have predicted the multiplicity of massive star births for a long time. But so far, there was little observational evidence …

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Habitable: More than just a game

What makes a planet habitable? How do you keep it habitable, how do you develop life, and what strategic decisions put …

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A step forward: Workshop for the “Habitable” board game

A team of young researchers at HITS has received 10,000 euros in the university competition for the Science Year “Our Universe” to …

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More than just a game: How long can there be life on Earth?

Researchers at the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) receive 10,000 Euros in the university competition “Our Universe” for developing a board …

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Exploring the life of binary stars

Since September 2022, astrophysicist Rajika Kuruwita has been the first fellow of the HITS Independent Postdoc Program. The program offers an opportunity …

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