Force for activation

12. March 2019

Tumor invasion and metastasis are major problems in the therapy of cancer patients. A team of researchers at the Heidelberg Institute …

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Metabolic signaling as new concept for breast cancer risk estimation

6. March 2019

HITS is partner of the international research consortium “MESI-STRAT” that explores the interplay of breast cancer metabolism and oncogenic signaling by …

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Free Open Source Materials from the ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre

18. January 2019

Since it opened in April 2018, the ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre has shared the wonders of the Universe with more …

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Effort clarifies major branch of insect tree of life

29. November 2018

A team of international researchers just published a new study on Hemiptera, using a vast amount molecular data to investigate their …

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New insights into the regulation of haemostasis

28. November 2018

German Scientists investigate the structure of the von Willebrand factor (VWF), a key protein involved in blood clotting. HITS researchers from …

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ESCAPE: Launch of the European Project for Data Management in Astronomy

20. November 2018

2019 marks the beginning of one of the biggest projects for data management in astronomy. The „European Science Cluster for Astronomy & Particle …

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Parasites discovered in fossil fly pupae

28. August 2018

Parasitic wasps existed as early as several million years ago. Within a project coordinated by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), researchers …

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The need for speed: Why malaria parasites are faster than human immune cells

20. July 2018

Elementary cytoskeleton protein is different in parasites and represents a starting point for a possible new therapy against malaria infections. Researchers …

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New computational method for drug discovery

11. July 2018

HITS researchers developed tauRAMD, a tool to predict drug-target residence times from short simulations. The method is illustrated on the cover …

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Accelerated reactions in condensed bio-matter?

19. June 2018

HITS researcher Dr. Kashif Sadiq explores ribonucleoprotein granules, a condensed form of bio-matter found inside cells. He investigates whether the rate …

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