New PhD student

1. July 2014

Our new PhD student, Lucas Czech, joined the lab.

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In “Nature”: Galaxies out of a Supercomputer

8. May 2014

A new computer simulation shows the formation of galaxies with unprecedented precision, allowing astrophysicists from Heidelberg, the U.S. and England …

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A Milky Way out of the Supercomputer

10. March 2014

The formation of disk galaxies has long been a conundrum for cosmologists: computer simulations produced typically far too massive and too …

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Mathematics for safer medicine

7. January 2014

The new HITS research group “Data Mining and Uncertainty Quantification” analyzes large amounts of data and calculates uncertainties in technical systems. …

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The Science of Forecasting

3. December 2013

Mathematician Tilmann Gneiting is leader of the new research group “Computational Statistics” at HITS and Professor at the Karlsruhe Institute for …

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Bioinformatics: New type of bacteria found in the human gut

7. November 2013

With software techniques, molecular biologists and computer scientists show that around half of the bacteria species in the human gut are …

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Computer Science helps astronomers exploring the sky

28. October 2013

The new HITS research group “Astroinformatics” will develop methods and software for astronomers and help facilitating the analysis and processing of …

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The Human Brain Project has begun

7. October 2013

The world’s most ambitious neuroscience project is underway. Scientists from the 135 partner institutions of the Human Brain Project, co-funded by …

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Decoding worms to decode regeneration

6. May 2013

Dr. Siegfried Schloissnig is head of the newly established Computational Biology junior research group at Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS). …

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What Determines the Stability of Proteins?

26. March 2013

With mathematical methods and computer simulations, Humboldt Fellow Richard Henchman (University of Manchester) is exploring the factors of protein stability – Research …

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