SDBV Group
Scientific Databases and Visualization


New Standards in Biotechnology

21. May 2015

A new working group for data processing and integration in biotechnology has been set up by the International Organization for Standardization, …

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ICSB: Standards for Systems Biology

9. December 2014

In September, Martin Golebiewski (SDBV) organized workshops on computer models and standards at the 15th International Conference on Systems Biology (Melbourne, …

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Towards Better Standards for Systems Biology

25. August 2011

In the second COMBINE workshop (03.-07.09.2011 in Heidelberg), scientists aim at refining important description standards for systems biologySystems biology brings together …

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Besseres Datenmanagement und neue Simulationsmethoden

9. August 2010

This content is only available in German. Forscher des Heidelberger Instituts für Theoretische Studien (HITS) arbeiten am nationalen „Netzwerk Systembiologie …

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