
ERC Advanced Grant for HITS group leader
Friedrich Röpke, head of the Physics of Stellar Objects group at the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies, has been awarded …

15th Würzburg workshop on Astrophysics 2020 at HITS
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the annual winter workshop organized by the Physics of Stellar Objects (PSO) group at HITS had …

ERC Starting Grant for HITS astrophysicist
Fabian Schneider has been awarded about € 1.5 million for five years. He will establish his own junior research group at HITS. Astrophysicist …

An explosive result
Nuclear physicists from Finland, Denmark, and Germany succeeded to experimentally determine nuclear processes operating at conditions ten million times denser and 25 …

The irresistible pull – when massive stars collide
All neutron stars are magnetic, but some are more magnetic than others. The latter, so-called magnetars, are the strongest magnets in …

Visitors: Prof. Dr Philipp Podsiadlowski and Dr Ryosuke Hirai
From 11th to 15th March 2019, Prof. Dr Philipp Podsiadlowski (third from right) and Dr Ryosuke Hirai (first from left) from the …

Visitor: Dr. Norberto Castro
On 11th March 2019, Dr Norberto Castro from Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam (AIP) visited the PSO group before he attended the MOSAIC workshop …

Visitor: Dr. Robert Izzard
For a perfect start into 2019, the PSO group had Dr. Rob Izzard visiting from the University of Surrey, UK. Dr. Izzard …

XIII Würzburg Workshop on Supernovae and Stellar Hydrodynamics
On December 17 and 18, 2018, the PSO group organized the 13th Würzburg Workshop on Supernovae and Stellar Hydrodynamics in Heidelberg at the …

Mini-workshop with mathematicians from the Universities of Würzburg and Oslo
On December 13, a group of mathematicians from Prof. Christian Klingenberg’s group at the University of Würzburg and Prof. Nils-Henrik …