
When the Label Matters: Adsorption of Labeled and Unlabeled Proteins on Charged Surfaces
Fluorescent labels are often attached to proteins in order to experimentally study their binding and adsorption to flat surfaces. Ideally, these …

CECAM Workshop Hackathon
Congratulations to Prajwal Nandekar who participated in the “CECAM Extended Software Development Workshop” in Forschungszentrum Jülich on 12-17 October 2015, and …

Spindle pole body bridge on the front cover
HITS scientists Musa Özboyaci and Prof. Rebecca Wade (MCM group) have performed calculations that help to understand the process of cell …

How Human Cells Can Dissolve Damaging Protein Aggregates
Heidelberg researchers decode fundamental mechanism using in-vitro experiments Cellular repair systems can dissolve aggregated proteins and now Heidelberg researchers have successfully …

Congratulations Xiaofeng Yu
We would like to congratulate Xiaofeng Yu who successfully defended his PhD thesis today! Congratulations! The whole MCM group wishes him …

HITS scientists building bioinformatics networks
HITS scientists Jonathan Fuller and Xiaofeng Yu have been involved in co-founding the Heidelberg Unseminars in Bioinformatics (HUB) along with colleagues …

TRAPP on the Frontpage
An article by HITS researcher Dr. Daria Kokh (MCM) has made it onto the frontpage of the Journal of Chemical Information …

Rebecca Wade associate editor for scientific journal
Rebecca Wade, leader of the MCM group, has been appointed as an associate editor for the journal PLOS Computational Biology. PLOS …