
On the front cover: Multiexpert Platform for the Identification of Hits Targeting Parasitic Enzymes
In the New Medicines for Trypanosomatidic Infections (NMTRypI) project funded by the EU and completed in January 2017, in which 13 partners …

HITS is New Associate Partner of CompBioMed Project
Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS), represented by its Molecular and Cellular Modeling Group (MCM), led by Professor Rebecca Wade, has …

On YouTube: Dr. Kashif Sadiq’s talk on “Predictive Synthetic Retrovirology” at European Health Science Match 2016
Dr. Kashif Sadiq from Molecular and Cellular Modeling (MCM) group at HITS was one of the 100 speakers selected for the European …

On YouTube: LERU Doctoral Summer School, Leiden 2016
Mehmet Öztürk, PhD student from Molecular and Cellular Modeling (MCM) group recently participated in the 2016 LERU Doctoral Summer School held …

On the front cover: Molecular dynamics involved in DNA compaction
DNA is packaged in the cell nucleus by wrapping around proteins called histones to form chromatin fibers. Nucleosomes, the structural units …

HITS researcher Rebecca Wade receives ISQBP Award in Computational Biology
HITS Molecular and Cellular Modeling group leader and HITS scientific director Prof. Dr. Rebecca Wade was awarded the International Society of …

Killerzellen des Immunsystems überraschen mit potentem Gift gegen Tumoren
Wissenschaftler des Universitätsklinikums Heidelberg entdeckten möglichen neuen Wirkstoff gegen Krebs / Auszeichnung mit dem Novartis-Preis der Deutschen Gesellschaft für …

33 million core hours for collaborative project
The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) has granted 33 million core hours at the Cineca High Performance Computing Center in …