MCM Group
Molecular and Cellular Modeling


Killerzellen des Immunsystems überraschen mit potentem Gift gegen Tumoren

24. May 2016

Wissenschaftler des Universitätsklinikums Heidelberg entdeckten möglichen neuen Wirkstoff gegen Krebs / Auszeichnung mit dem Novartis-Preis der Deutschen Gesellschaft für …

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33 million core hours for collaborative project

7. April 2016

The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) has granted 33 million core hours at the Cineca High Performance Computing Center in …

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When the Label Matters: Adsorption of Labeled and Unlabeled Proteins on Charged Surfaces

2. November 2015

Fluorescent labels are often attached to proteins in order to experimentally study their binding and adsorption to flat surfaces. Ideally, these …

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Dr. Emiliano Ippoliti (Forschungszentrum Jülich), Dr. Prajwal Nandekar (HITS Heidelberg), Mr. Mohammed Khaled Tumbi (University of Nottingham); Photo taken by Prof. Charles Laughton

CECAM Workshop Hackathon

26. October 2015

Congratulations to Prajwal Nandekar who participated in the “CECAM Extended Software Development Workshop” in Forschungszentrum Jülich on 12-17 October 2015, and …

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Spindle pole body bridge on the front cover

13. August 2015

HITS scientists Musa Özboyaci and Prof. Rebecca Wade (MCM group) have performed calculations that help to understand the process of cell …

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How Human Cells Can Dissolve Damaging Protein Aggregates

11. August 2015

Heidelberg researchers decode fundamental mechanism using in-vitro experiments Cellular repair systems can dissolve aggregated proteins and now Heidelberg researchers have successfully …

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Congratulations Xiaofeng Yu

3. July 2015

We would like to congratulate Xiaofeng Yu who successfully defended his PhD thesis today! Congratulations! The whole MCM group wishes him …

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HITS scientists building bioinformatics networks

12. February 2015

HITS scientists Jonathan Fuller and Xiaofeng Yu have been involved in co-founding the Heidelberg Unseminars in Bioinformatics (HUB) along with colleagues …

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