
Registration open: Biological Diffusion and Brownian Dynamics Brainstorm 5 (BDBDB5)
Biological Diffusion and Brownian Dynamics Brainstorm 5 (BDBDB5: will take place in virtual format on 24-25 …

DFG funds HITS research on SARS CoV-2 spike glycoprotein
The SARS-CoV2 virus is notorious for its characteristic spike protein that helps the virus to invade cells. Rebecca Wade and the …

New tools for computing protein-ligand dissociation rates and exploring dissociation mechanisms
The length of time that a drug molecule spends bound to its protein target – its residence time – is an important determinant …

Why scientists should be on twitter
Twitter has been around since 2006 and currently has around 330 million active users (as of October 2020) making it one of the most …

Women in academia during the COVID-19 pandemic
Last month, the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) organized a virtual conference on “The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on women …

Women in Computational Chemistry
The Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling (JCIM) published a special issue on “Women in Computational Chemistry” in May 2019 to address …

Supercomputing time for HITS research against Covid-19
Rebecca Wade from the Molecular and Celullar Modeling (MCM) group at HITS was awarded 3,250,000 core hours on the Marconi cluster at …

Hunting for the molecular Achilles heel of Sars-CoV-2
HITS Researchers are collaborating on drug discovery against SARS-Cov-2, the virus that causes Covid-19 disease. Rebecca Wade and her group are …