
Registration open: Training Workshop on Tools for Molecular Simulation of Neuronal Signaling Cascades
The HBP training workshop on Tools for Molecular Simulation of Neuronal Signaling Cascades will take place online on 7-10 March 2022 (free …

Computing drug-target binding kinetics: three papers in the Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
How long does a drug molecule stay bound to its protein target? How quickly does it bind to and dissociate from …

Searching for a way out of the brain fog caused by COVID-19
HITS is a partner in the new EU-funded research program “BRAVE” that proposes tackling COVID-19 brain inflammation with computer-designed molecules. The …

It’s in the DNA: sequence recognition by the linker histone
Using single-pair FRET (Fluorescence/Förster Resonance Energy Transfer) spectroscopy and computational modeling, Madhura De, researcher in the Molecular and Cellular …

HITSters will be part of new faculty at Heidelberg University
Heidelberg University has founded the Faculty of Engineering Sciences to pool competences for innovative engineering approaches with international visibility. HITS researchers …

On the front cover: Brownian Dynamics Simulations of Proteins in the Presence of Surfaces
Brownian dynamics simulations are well-suited to study processes governed by diffusion, such as the adsorption of protein molecules to a mica …

Putting computing power together against SARS-CoV-2
European scientists identified potent inhibitors of the SARS-CoV-2 main protease, a promising target for antiviral compounds.

MGMS Lecture: Rebecca Wade
Rebecca Wade, leader of the Molecular Modeling (MCM) group, is the lecturer for the 2020 Molecular Graphics and Modelling Society (MGMS) Lecture …