MBM Group
Molecular Biomechanics


Welcome Max!

10. April 2017

A warm welcome to Max Simon that has just joined the MBM group as a bachelor student. Max is a …

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Flaws in nacre!

15. March 2017

New paper on flaws in nacre is out! Flaws weaken a crystal along what macroscopic theories predict, even on the nano-scale, …

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Welcome Jana!

14. March 2017

A warm welcome to Jana Tünnermann that has just joined the MBM group as an intern. Jana is a master …

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Cut it, but not so fast!

12. January 2017

Blood clotting is an amazing biological process in which injured blood vessels are plugged by platelets –flowing in our blood stream– …

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Welcome Sara!

21. December 2016

A warm welcome to Sara Becker that has just joined the MBM group as an intern. Sara is a master …

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On YouTube: Floppy keys – how the communication in the cell works

14. October 2016

This new Youtube clip was produced by the Cluster of Excellence CellNetworks with researchers from EMBL and HITS. The project was …

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Dynamic disorder can explain non-exponential kinetics of fast protein mechanical unfolding

13. October 2016

Dr. Bogdan Costescu et al. unfolded a protein in the computer thousands of times – and successfully detected signatures that hint …

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Welcome Lena!

7. October 2016

A warm welcome to Lena Thärichen that has just joined the MBM group as an intern. Lena is a master …

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Welcome Agnieszka!

21. September 2016

A warm welcome to Agnieszka Obarska-Kosinska that just joined the MBM group as a postdoctoral fellow from Poland. Agnieszka did her …

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Made by nature: a highly elastic pressurized balloon

9. August 2016

Collagens constitute the dominant class of extracellular proteins in multicellular organisms. They are highly abundant wherever high elasticity is needed. The …

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