MBM Group
Molecular Biomechanics


HITS shareholders Heidelberg University and KIT are “excellent”

26. July 2019

Heidelberg University and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) have been awarded the Status of Excellence by the German Council of …

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Two Humboldt Fellows at HITS

1. July 2019

Since 2012, HITS has been the host for eight fellows of the Humboldt foundation. This year, the institute was glad to welcome …

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Welcome Martin!

28. May 2019

A warm welcome to Martin who has recently joined MBM group.He is a physics master student in Heidelberg. In …

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Welcome Nicholas!

3. May 2019

A warm welcome to Nicholas who has just joined MBM group.He is originally from Greece. He obtained a BSc in …

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Gräter and Strube new Marsilius Fellows at Heidelberg University

5. April 2019

HITS group leaders Prof. Dr. Frauke Gräter (MBM) and Prof. Dr. Michael Strube (NLP) have been …

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Welcome Paula!

23. March 2019

A warm welcome to Paula who has recently joined MBM group.Paula obtained her Bachelor degree in Molecular Life Sciences from …

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Force for activation

12. March 2019

Tumor invasion and metastasis are major problems in the therapy of cancer patients. A team of researchers at the Heidelberg Institute …

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Welcome Anna!

8. January 2019

A warm welcome to Anna who has recently joined MBM group. Anna is a Physics master student at Heidelberg University. …

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New insights into the regulation of haemostasis

28. November 2018

German Scientists investigate the structure of the von Willebrand factor (VWF), a key protein involved in blood clotting. HITS researchers from …

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MBM (former) group members at Davide’s and Danae’s wedding in Naples!

26. September 2018

Congratulations and best wishes to Davide and Danae on their wedding and warmest greetings to former members of MBM group, nice …

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