MBM Group
Molecular Biomechanics


Conformational dynamics of intrinsically disordered proteins

24. November 2014

Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) lack, by definition, of a well-defined three-dimensional structure and therefore explore a much larger conformational ensemble with …

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How graphene sheets respond to force

11. November 2014

Bogdan and Frauke have published two back-to-back articles (one together with the former member of the MBM group Dr. Ilona Baldus) …

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Die Kraft, die im Molekül steckt

22. July 2014

This content is only available in German. Dr. Frauke Gräter, Leiterin der Forschungsgruppe „Molecular Biomechanics“ am Heidelberger Institut für …

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What Determines the Stability of Proteins?

26. March 2013

With mathematical methods and computer simulations, Humboldt Fellow Richard Henchman (University of Manchester) is exploring the factors of protein stability – Research …

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Protein origami: Quick folders are the best

31. January 2013

The evolutionary history of proteins shows that protein folding is an important factor. Especially the speed of protein folding plays a …

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Wenn das Blut zu dick wird

19. February 2010

This content is only available in German. Forschungsgruppe am Heidelberger Institut für Theoretische Studien (HITS) entdeckt den molekularen Mechanismus fü…

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