Making sense of what you see in biomedical images
Sometimes an image is just an image. Sometimes it gives those who can read it correctly a deeper insight into what …

Siobhan Roberts named “Journalist in Residence” at HITS
The Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) gives science journalists the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of computer-based, data-driven science with …

ERC Starting Grant for HITS astrophysicist
Fabian Schneider has been awarded about € 1.5 million for five years. He will establish his own junior research group at HITS. Astrophysicist …

Uncovering the structure of stars
Astrophysicist Saskia Hekker is the leader of the new research group “Theory and Observations of Stars” at HITS and professor in …

Increasing knowledge about COVID-19
The new “Task Force COVID-19” is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and aims to make it easier for experts …

Getting health data into shape
A multidisciplinary team is set to establish a research data infrastructure for personal health data in Germany: nfdi4health. The project – …

Solidarity in running shoes
HITS running team raises 10,000 Euros for cancer research in first virtual NCT Run – Klaus Tschira Foundation sponsors each team kilometer with 25 …

ELIXIR facilitates development of COVID-19 Disease Map
HITS researchers collaborate with ELIXIR Nodes to contribute to the development of a knowledgebase of SARS-CoV-2 virus host-pathogen interactions. Announced last …

Stretched beyond the limits
It is a common phenomenon we know from cracked sneakers and burst tyres, and when it occurs it is usually in …

10 years HITS – time to celebrate
This year, the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) will celebrate its 10th anniversary. The Institute was established in 2010 by physicist …