Press Releases

On these pages you can find all the latest press releases of HITS. We regularly report on personal changes, achievements, events, and of course the latest research news. If you would like to be added to our email distribution list, please register here:

HITS 2011: Spider Silk, Phylogenetic Trees and Black Holes

27. June 2012

The Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) Annual Report 2011 is out: Data-driven science – New insights into the structure of spider silk, …

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100 Years Alan Turing – the Enigma machine

20. June 2012

This content is only available in German. Exklusiv bei „Explore Science“: Original „Enigma“-Chiffriermaschine aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg – HITS-Direktor Andreas Reuter …

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Math in daily life – HITS at Explore Science

18. June 2012

This content is only available in German. Heidelberger Institut für Theoretische Studien (HITS) mit Experimenten bei „Explore Science“ –  Mitmachstationen …

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Volker Stollorz – first “Journalist in Residence” at HITS

4. June 2012

This content is only available in German. Heidelberger Institut für Theoretische Studien fördert den Dialog zwischen Journalisten und Wissenschaftlern – …

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Heidelberg Laureate Forum – Abel, Fields and Turing Laureates Meet the Next Generation

25. May 2012

Winners of the prestigious Abel Prize, Fields Medal and Turing Award will meet ambitious young scientists – Established by the Klaus Tschira …

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Black holes turn up the heat for the Universe

15. May 2012

HITS astrophysicists discover a new heating source in cosmological structure formation So far, astrophysicists thought that super-massive black holes can only …

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New International Research Initiative on the Evolution of Insects officially started

3. February 2012

The 1KITE (1K Insect Transcriptome Evolution) project involves more than 50 scientists from all over the world. It will unravel the secrets …

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HITS Scientist Rebecca Wade receives professorship at the University of Heidelberg

30. January 2012

Today, Dr. Rebecca Wade, head of the “Molecular and Cellular Modelling” research group at the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS), …

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Towards Better Standards for Systems Biology

25. August 2011

In the second COMBINE workshop (03.-07.09.2011 in Heidelberg), scientists aim at refining important description standards for systems biologySystems biology brings together …

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Blutgerinnung: Forschung mittels Computersimulation und medizinisch angewandter Nanotechnologie

4. August 2011

This content is only available in German. Naturwissenschaftler und Mediziner kooperieren in neuer DFG-Forschergruppe Wissenschaftler des Heidelberger Instituts für Theoretische …

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