Press Releases

On these pages you can find all the latest press releases of HITS. We regularly report on personal changes, achievements, events, and of course the latest research news. If you would like to be added to our email distribution list, please register here:

How Complex Problems Become Simple

22. July 2015

Mathematician Anna Wienhard is the new Research Group Leader at the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS). In addition to her …

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HITS at Explore Science

2. July 2015

This content is only available in German. Bewegungen gibt es überall. Wir hüpfen und laufen, Vögel fliegen, Wasser und …

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HITS: Call for „Journalist in Residence“ 2016

1. June 2015

Are you an experienced science journalist? Would you like a change of scenery, and the chance to get away from your …

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New Standards in Biotechnology

21. May 2015

A new working group for data processing and integration in biotechnology has been set up by the International Organization for Standardization, …

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A warm welcome to Dr. Lipi Thukral!

19. May 2015

Dr. Lipi Thukral is Scientist Research Fellow in Computational Biophysics at the Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB) …

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Girls‘ Day – Premiere am HITS: Wie Forschung mit dem Computer funktioniert

30. April 2015

This Text is only available in German. Am 23. April 2015 nahm das Heidelberger Institut für Theoretische Studien (HITS) zum ersten Mal …

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Von Wetter, Schlangen und Molekülen: Girls‘ Day am HITS

21. April 2015

– Sorry, this press release is only available in German – Am 23. April, dem bundesweiten Girls‘ Day, gibt das Heidelberger Institut für …

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“Journalist in Residence”: Larry Krumenaker at HITS

10. April 2015

The North American science writer Larry Krumenaker is the 2015 “Journalist in Residence” at the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS). This …

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What is the Impact of Cosmic Rays on Galaxy Formation?

24. March 2015

European Research Council will fund HITS astrophysicist Christoph Pfrommer with an ERC Consolidator Grant with € 2 Million HITS astrophysicist Priv.-Doz. Dr. …

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Brighter than 100 Billion Stars

2. March 2015

Supernova scientist Friedrich Röpke is the leader of the new research group „Physics of Stellar Objects“ at HITS and professor …

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