Press Releases

On these pages you can find all the latest press releases of HITS. We regularly report on personal changes, achievements, events, and of course the latest research news. If you would like to be added to our email distribution list, please register here:

Three “Highly Cited Researchers” at HITS

1. December 2016

In this year’s ranking of “Highly Cited Researchers”, three HITS scientists are named among the most cited researchers worldwide: Tilmann …

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HITS and Yale: Over the ocean, across the Universe

17. August 2016

Start of the HITS-Yale program in astrophysics – the collaboration comprises two postdoctoral fellowships as well as regular meetings in Heidelberg and …

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Volker Springel elected to the German Academy of Sciences “Leopoldina”

11. July 2016

Volker Springel, head of the Theoretical Astrophysics group at the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS), has been elected to the …

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Statistik, Seide, Supernovae: Spitzenforschung mit Supercomputern am Tag der offenen Tür im HITS

27. June 2016

Das Heidelberger Institut für Theoretische Studien (HITS) öffnet am Samstag, 2. Juli 2016, von 11 bis 17 Uhr seine Türen im Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 35 fü…

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HITS Annual Report: Advanced Research

22. June 2016

Annual Report of the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) published: Advanced research using supercomputers – from molecular biology to astrophysics. In 2010, …

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HITS at Explore Science 2016

13. June 2016

Der menschliche Körper steckt voller Überraschungen. So können unsere Augen über 20 Millionen Farben und unsere Nase mehr als eine …

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Akademische Mittagspause: „Sprechen Sie Mathematik?“

18. April 2016

Mathematiker der Universität Heidelberg und des Heidelberger Instituts für Theoretische Studien laden zu Kurzvorträgen in die Peterskirche ein. …

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Andreas Reuter says “Goodbye” – Change in the HITS Management

18. April 2016

Prof. Andreas Reuter has retired as managing director of the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS). He will focus on the …

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Cosmic Rays: The Key to Galaxy Formation?

13. April 2016

HITS Astrophysicist Christoph Pfrommer starts with new Junior Research group “High Energy Astrophysics and Cosmology” – funded by a €2 million ERC Consolidator …

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Quotenjournalismus – Wie Redaktionen mit den Daten über ihr Publikum umgehen sollten

12. April 2016

This content is only available in German. Der Wissenschaftsjournalist Alexander Mäder über die digitalen Möglichkeiten für den Online-Journalismus – ö…

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