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  • Amaro-Seoane P, Andrews J, Sedda MA, Askar A, Baghi Q, Balasov R, Bartos I, Bavera SS, Bellovary J, Berry CP, Berti E, Bianchi S, Blecha L, Blondin S, Bogdanović T, Boissier S, Bonetti M, Bonoli S, Bortolas E, Breivik K, Capelo PR, Caramete L, Cattorini F, Charisi M, Chaty S, Chen X, Chruślińska M, Chua AJ, Church R, Colpi M, D’Orazio D, Danielski C, Davies MB, Dayal P, Rosa AD, Derdzinski A, Destounis K, Dotti M, Dutan I, Dvorkin I, Fabj G, Foglizzo T, Ford S, Fouvry J, Franchini A, Fragos T, Fryer C, Gaspari M, Gerosa D, Graziani L, Groot P, Habouzit M, Haggard D, Haiman Z, Han W, Istrate A, Johansson PH, Khan FM, Kimpson T, Kokkotas K, Kong A, Korol V, Kremer K, Kupfer T, Lamberts A, Larson S, Lau M, Liu D, Lloyd-Ronning N, Lodato G, Lupi A, Ma C, Maccarone T, Mandel I, Mangiagli A, Mapelli M, Mathis S, Mayer L, McGee S, McKernan B, Miller MC, Mota DF, Mumpower M, Nasim SS, Nelemans G, Noble S, Pacucci F, Panessa F, Paschalidis V, Pfister H, Porquet D, Quenby J, Ricarte A, Röpke FK, Regan J, Rosswog S, Ruiter A, Ruiz M, Runnoe J, Schneider R, Schnittman J, Secunda A, Sesana A, Seto N, Shao L, Shapiro S, Sopuerta C, Stone NC, Suvorov A, Tamanini N, Tamfal T, Tauris T, Temmink K, Tomsick J, Toonen S, Torres-Orjuela A, Toscani M, Tsokaros A, Unal C, Vázquez-Aceves V, Valiante R, Putten Mv, Roestel Jv, Vignali C, Volonteri M, Wu K, Younsi Z, Yu S, Zane S, Zwick L, Antonini F, Baibhav V, Barausse E, Rivera AB, Branchesi M, Branduardi-Raymont G, Burdge K, Chakraborty S, Cuadra J, Dage K, Davis B, Mink SEd, Decarli R, Doneva D, Escoffier S, Gandhi P, Haardt F, Lousto CO, Nissanke S, Nordhaus J, O’Shaughnessy R, Zwart SP, Pound A, Schussler F, Sergijenko O, Spallicci A, Vernieri D, Vigna-Gómez A (2023). Astrophysics with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, Living Rev Relativ 26(1),2 1696
  • Röpke FK, Marco OD (2023). Simulations of common-envelope evolution in binary stellar systems: physical models and numerical techniques, Living Rev Comput Astrophys 9(1),2 1697
  • Leidi G, Andrassy R, Higl J, Edelmann PVF, Röpke FK (2023). Turbulent dynamo action and its effects on the mixing at the convective boundary of an idealized oxygen-burning shell, A&A 679:A132 1824
  • Collins CE, Sim SA, Shingles LJ, Gronow S, Röpke FK, Pakmor R, Seitenzahl IR, Kromer M (2023). Helium as a signature of the double detonation in Type Ia supernovae, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 524(3):4447-4454 1698
  • Liu Z, Röpke FK, Han Z (2023). Type Ia Supernova Explosions in Binary Systems: A Review, Res. Astron. Astrophys. 23(8):082001 1699
  • Röpke FK, Lach F, Gronow S, Sim SA, Callan FP, Collins CE (2023). Modeling Type Ia supernovae with explosions in white dwarfs near and below the Chandrasekhar mass, The Sixteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting,pp.4420-4426,WORLD SCIENTIFIC 1610





  • Kirsebom O, Jones S, Strömberg D, Martínez-Pinedo G, Langanke K, Röpke F, Brown B, Eronen T, Fynbo H, Hukkanen M, Idini A, Jokinen A, Kankainen A, Kostensalo J, Moore I, Möller H, Ohlmann S, Penttilä H, Riisager K, Rinta-Antila S, Srivastava P, Suhonen J, Trzaska W, Äystö J (2019). Discovery of an Exceptionally Strong β -Decay Transition of F 20 and Implications for the Fate of Intermediate-Mass Stars, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123(26) 1125
  • Schneider FRN, Ohlmann ST, Podsiadlowski P, Röpke FK, Balbus SA, Pakmor R, Springel V (2019). Stellar mergers as the origin of magnetic massive stars, Nature 574(7777):211-214 1163
  • Jones S, Côté B, Röpke FK, Wanajo S (2019). A New Model for Electron-capture Supernovae in Galactic Chemical Evolution, ApJ 882(2):170 1066
  • Ferrand G, Warren DC, Ono M, Nagataki S, Röpke FK, Seitenzahl IR (2019). From Supernova to Supernova Remnant: The Three-dimensional Imprint of a Thermonuclear Explosion, ApJ 877(2):136 1067
  • Shingles L, Sim S, Kromer M, Maguire K, Bulla M, Collins C, Ballance C, Michel A, Ramsbottom C, Ropke F, Seitenzahl I, Tyndall N (2019). Late-phase radiative transfer of Type Ia supernovae, In Supernova Remnants: An Odyssey in Space after Stellar Death II, p. 151 1240
  • Ferrand G, Warren D, Ono M, Nagataki S, Röpke F, Seitenzahl I (2019). From the (thermonuclear) supernova to the supernova remnant, In Supernova Remnants: An Odyssey in Space after Stellar Death II, p. 102 1241
  • Lach F, Röpke F, Kromer M (2019). Type Iax Supernovae from Deflagrations of Chandrasekhar Mass White Dwarfs, In Supernova Remnants: An Odyssey in Space after Stellar Death II, p. 101 1242
  • Gronow S, Röpke F (2019). A sub-Chandrasekhar mass white dwarf as possible progenitor for a thermonuclear explosion, In Supernova Remnants: An Odyssey in Space after Stellar Death II, p. 95 1243
  • Timmes F, Fryer C, Timmes F, Hungerford AL, Couture A, Adams F, Aoki W, Arcones A, Arnett D, Auchettl K, Avila M, Badenes C, Baron E, Bauswein A, Beacom J, Blackmon J, Blondin S, Bloser P, Boggs S, Boss A, Brandt T, Bravo E, Brown E, Brown P, Bruenn S, Budtz-Jørgensen C, Burns E, Calder A, Caputo R, Champagne A, Chevalier R, Chieffi A, Chipps K, Cinabro D, Clarkson O, Clayton D, Coc A, Connolly D, Conroy C, Côté B, Couch S, Dauphas N, deBoer RJ, Deibel C, Denisenkov P, Desch S, Dessart L, Diehl R, Doherty C, Domı́nguez I, Dong S, Dwarkadas V, Fan D, Fields B, Fields C, Filippenko A, Fisher R, Foucart F, Fransson C, Fröhlich C, Fuller G, Gibson B, Giryanskaya V, Görres J, Goriely S, Grebenev S, Grefenstette B, Grohs E, Guillochon J, Harpole A, Harris C, Harris JA, Harrison F, Hartmann D, Hashimoto M, Heger A, Hernanz M, Herwig F, Hirschi R, Hix RW, Höflich P, Hoffman R, Holcomb C, Hsiao E, Iliadis C, Janiuk A, Janka T, Jerkstrand A, Johns L, Jones S, José J, Kajino T, Karakas A, Karpov P, Kasen D, Kierans C, Kippen M, Korobkin O, Kobayashi C, Kozma C, Krot S, Kumar P, Kuvvetli I, Laird A, Laming (M, Larsson J, Lattanzio J, Lattimer J, Leising M, Lennarz A, Lentz E, Limongi M, Lippuner J, Livne E, Lloyd-Ronning N, Longland R, Lopez LA, Lugaro M, Lutovinov A, Madsen K, Malone C, Matteucci F, McEnery J, Meisel Z, Messer B, Metzger B, Meyer B, Meynet G, Mezzacappa A, Miller J, Miller R, Milne P, Misch W, Mitchell L, Mösta P, Motizuki Y, Müller B, Mumpower M, Murphy J, Nagataki S, Nakar E, Nomoto K, Nugent P, Nunes F, O’Shea B, Oberlack U, Pain S, Parker L, Perego A, Pignatari M, Pinedo GM, Plewa T, Poznanski D, Priedhorsky W, Pritychenko B, Radice D, Ramirez-Ruiz E, Rauscher T, Reddy S, Rehm E, Reifarth R, Richman D, Ricker P, Rijal N, Roberts L, Röpke F, Rosswog S, Ruiter AJ, Ruiz C, Savin DW, Schatz H, Schneider D, Schwab J, Seitenzahl I, Shen K, Siegert T, Sim S, Smith D, Smith K, Smith M, Sollerman J, Sprouse T, Spyrou A, Starrfield S, Steiner A, Strong AW, Sukhbold T, Suntzeff N, Surman R, Tanimori T, The L, Thielemann F, Tolstov A, Tominaga N, Tomsick J, Townsley D, Tsintari P, Tsygankov S, Vartanyan D, Venters T, Vestrand T, Vink J, Waldman R, Wang L, Wang X, Warren M, West C, Wheeler JC, Wiescher M, Winkler C, Winter L, Wolf B, Woolf R, Woosley S, Wu J, Wrede C, Yamada S, Young P, Zegers R, Zingale M, Zwart SP (2019). Catching Element Formation In The Act ; The Case for a New MeV Gamma-Ray Mission: Radionuclide Astronomy in the 2020s, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 51(3):2 1068
  • Jones S, Röpke FK, Fryer C, Ruiter AJ, Seitenzahl IR, Nittler LR, Ohlmann ST, Reifarth R, Pignatari M, Belczynski K (2019). Remnants and ejecta of thermonuclear electron-capture supernovae. Constraining oxygen-neon deflagrations in high-density white dwarfs, A&A 622:A74 1065
  • P BJ, Praveen C, Christian K, Röpke FK (2019). Second Order Finite Volume Scheme for Euler Equations with Gravity which is Well-Balanced for General Equations of State and Grid Systems, Communications in Computational Physics 26(2):599-630 1285





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