
What´s new at HITS? On this page you can find the latest news from and about HITS, including the latest scientific discoveries, personal achievements by our researchers or general changes at HITS.

Pia Grzesiak to be new HITS “Journalist in Residence”

15. March 2013

This content is only available in German. Heidelberger Institut für Theoretische Studien fördert den Dialog zwischen Wissenschaftsjournalisten und Forschern – …

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No. 10 | 03-2013

1. March 2013

The science journalist Pia Grzesiak as the new “Journalist in Residence” at HITS, research findings to protein folding evolution, and a …

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Rebecca Wade participates in the EU flagship ‘Human Brain Project‘ (HBP)

4. February 2013

Prof. Rebecca Wade, head of the Molecular and Cellular Modeling (MCM) group  at HITS, is a collaborator in the ‘Human …

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Protein origami: Quick folders are the best

31. January 2013

The evolutionary history of proteins shows that protein folding is an important factor. Especially the speed of protein folding plays a …

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Small change for a big improvement – halogen bonds and drug discovery

18. January 2013

Halogen bonding has been applied in crystal engineering, materials research, and nanotechnology for some time. Scientists from the Heidelberg Institute for …

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KIT Introduction to Bioinformatics Course

1. January 2013

The course evaluation by the students for the course: “Introduction to Bioinformatics for Computer Scientists” which Alexis, Solon, Tomas, Kassian, Andre, …

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Exploring Drug-Target Interactions

10. December 2012

HITS Scientists Participate in a New European Research Project In drug discovery it is often difficult to predict if a potential …

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No. 9 | 12-2012

1. December 2012

Bioinfomatics pioneer Gene Myers as a mentor at HITS, the formation of the Universe in 80 seconds, a portrait of science journalist …

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Publication in “Nature Structural & Molecular Biology”

19. November 2012

HITS Researchers participate in a project that reveals the mechanism of molecular chaperones – Publication in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology Together …

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How journalists witness science

15. October 2012

This content is only available in German. Der Wissenschaftsjournalist Volker Stollorz über das Verhältnis von Medien und Forschung – öffentliches HITS-Kolloquium …

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