
What´s new at HITS? On this page you can find the latest news from and about HITS, including the latest scientific discoveries, personal achievements by our researchers or general changes at HITS.

HITSter wins Poster Prize at “Extremes 2014“ Symposium

28. October 2014

Kira Feldmann, PhD Student in the Computational Statistics group at HITS, was awarded a poster prize at the “Extremes Symposium 2014” by …

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Michael Strube to be co-chair of the ACL 2015

12. October 2014

Prof. Michael Strube, head of the NLP group, was appointed Program Committee Co-chair of the ACL 2015. The conference of the Association …

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“Journalist in Residence”: Michele Catanzaro at HITS

18. August 2014

The Barcelona-based science journalist Michele Catanzaro begins his stay at the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) as “Journalist in Residence.” …

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Small but significant: HITS performs well in the Humboldt ranking

14. August 2014

The current Humboldt ranking lists the German research institutions and cities that are leading in the international contest for the best …

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No. 16 | 08-2014

1. August 2014

Everything about HITS „on board“ of the “MS Wissenschaft”, the visit of twenty young researchers from all over the world at …

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HITS an Bord: Digitale Forschung auf der MS Wissenschaft

28. July 2014

This content is only available in German. 6. August 2014, 18 Uhr 30 bis 22 Uhr: Mitmachstationen, Vorführungen sowie eine Podiumsdiskussion  mit der baden-wü…

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Die Kraft, die im Molekül steckt

22. July 2014

This content is only available in German. Dr. Frauke Gräter, Leiterin der Forschungsgruppe „Molecular Biomechanics“ am Heidelberger Institut für …

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HITS bei Explore Science: Es lebe die Vielfalt!

2. July 2014

This content is only available in German. Was haben wir Menschen mit einer Banane gemeinsam? Wie macht man DNA sichtbar? Mit …

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New PhD student

1. July 2014

Our new PhD student, Lucas Czech, joined the lab.

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Tilmann Gneiting appointed Fellow of the ECMWF

1. July 2014

The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) is launching a new fellowship program to foster collaboration with renowned international scientists. …

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