
What´s new at HITS? On this page you can find the latest news from and about HITS, including the latest scientific discoveries, personal achievements by our researchers or general changes at HITS.

New Managing Director for HITS

25. January 2016

On 1 January 2016, Dr. Gesa Schönberger was appointed the new managing director of the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies. She succeeds …

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Another PhD. Thesis Defended

25. January 2016

Yufang Hou (second from the left, with her examination committee) has successfully defended her PhD. thesis on “Unrestricted Bridging Resolution”. Yufang, …

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EMNLP 2016

24. January 2016

Michael Strube will be Area Co-Chair for Summarization, Generation, Discourse, and Dialogue at EMNLP ’16 to be held in Austin, TX, USA, …

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Tilmann Gneiting as Editor-in-Chief of “The Annals of Applied Statistics”

13. January 2016

HITS group leader Professor Tilmann Gneiting is now Editor-In-Chief of the peer-reviewed scientific journal “The Annals of Applied Statistics”, which is …

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Successful computing time proposal at JSC, Jülich

26. December 2015

An international collaboration of researchers led by Wolfgang Hillebrandt from the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Garching and including the …

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Successful computing time proposal at SCC, Karlsruhe

26. December 2015

The head of the PSO group, Friedrich Röpke, and Sebastian Ohlmann successfully applied for 1.5 million core hours of computing time …

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Participants of the IX. Würzburg Workshop (Photo: Ulrich Nöbauer)

IX. Würzburg Workshop on Supernovae and related topics

26. December 2015

On December 17 and 18, the PSO group organized the IX. Würzburg Workshop on Supernovae and related topics in Würzburg. At …

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PhD. Thesis Defended

22. December 2015

Angela Fahrni (second from the right, with her examination committee) has successfully defended her PhD. thesis on “Joint Discourse-aware Concept Disambiguation …

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HITS researchers cited worldwide

18. December 2015

In the recent ranking “Highly Cited Researchers” by Thomson Reuters, the HITS scientists Volker Springel (Astrophysics) and Tilmann Gneiting (Mathematics) are …

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Season’s Greetings

14. December 2015

Dear friends and colleagues, In the languages of their native countries, all HITSters send you their season´s greetings. Sincerely, Prof. …

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