
What´s new at HITS? On this page you can find the latest news from and about HITS, including the latest scientific discoveries, personal achievements by our researchers or general changes at HITS.

Build your collagen fibril!

4. August 2021

Obtain your atomistic collagen fibril models with ColBuilder! We have now published a web resource of collagen models for 20 different species …

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Computational Oncology: Exploring the origin of Colon Cancer

22. July 2021

Colon cancer is one of the most common cancers in men and women worldwide. Due to the microscopic size of the …

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FDA – detect and follow force in proteins

5. July 2021

Force distribution analysis (FDA) is a method to detect and follow force and stress propagation in proteins, reminiscent of Finite Element …

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KIMMDY – a hybrid approach for Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation

5. July 2021

The simulation scheme called KIMMDY (Kinetic Monte Carlo / Molecular Dynamics) enables covalent bond breakages in all-atom Molecular …

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“SoftWipe” – open-source tool and benchmark to assess the quality of scientific software

5. July 2021

Digital tools are essential in almost all scientific disciplines. Reliable, carefully developed software is particularly important when large amounts of research …

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HITS researcher is Schiemann Fellow of the Max Planck Society

2. July 2021

Ganna (Anya) Gryn’ova, head of the Computational Carbon Chemistry (CCC) group at HITS, has been elected as Schiemann Fellow of …

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Evaluating probabilistic forecasts with scoringRules

28. June 2021

Comparing predictive performance Forecasts are generally surrounded by uncertainty and being able to quantify this uncertainty is key to good decision …

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Using Bioinformatics algorithms to predict the European Football Championship

25. June 2021

Researchers from the Computational Molecular Evolution (CME) group at HITS have simulated the knock-out phase of the European Football Championship using …

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Issue 2 | 2021

18. June 2021

HITS Group Leader Anna Wienhard (Groups and Geometry) has been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant of the European Research Council (ERC) …

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The MBM video contest winner is …

14. June 2021

Have you ever tried to explain complex scientific findings just with words? We all know how important clear and memorable scientific …

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