
What´s new at HITS? On this page you can find the latest news from and about HITS, including the latest scientific discoveries, personal achievements by our researchers or general changes at HITS.

HITS bei der „UniMeile“ in Heidelberg

22. June 2011

This content is only available in German. Das Heidelberger Institut für Theoretische Studien (HITS) ist bei der „UniMeile“ zum 625-jä…

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Neue Wege gehen: Ministerin Theresia Bauer besucht das Heidelberger Institut für Theoretische Studien

20. June 2011

This content is only available in German. Die Entstehung des Universums, reißfeste Spinnenseide, umfangreiche Datenbanken und Proteine in 3D: Über …

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No. 3 | 06-2011

1. June 2011

Open Day at HITS, the tree of life and a portrait of visiting scientist Tom Abel in our newsletter the HITS. …

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Das Unsichtbare sichtbar machen – HITS bei „Explore Science“

16. May 2011

This content is only available in German. Was haben Moleküle und das Universum gemeinsam? Beide sind mit dem bloßen …

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Vom Molekül bis zum Universum – Forschung mit dem Computer: Tag der offenen Tür im Heidelberger Institut für Theoretische Studien

29. April 2011

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The Tree of Life – When do Plants spin off new Species?

19. April 2011

An international multi-disciplinary research team from Brown University, the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies, and Yale University has reconstructed the largest …

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Novel compounds for fighting against parasitic diseases

4. April 2011

Parasites of the Trypanosomatidae family cause a number of serious human diseases. Researchers from Italy, Belgium, and Germany have published the …

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Breaking Test for Silk

9. March 2011

HITS researchers analyze the properties of spider silk using computer simulations – different components provide resistance and high flexibility – article in „Biophysical …

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No. 2 | 03-2011

1. March 2011

News about the next HITS “Journalists in Residence”, venia legendi for HITSter Dr. Rüdiger Pakmor, a simulation showing how black …

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Neues Graduiertenprogramm in Computerlinguistik gestartet

18. February 2011

This content is only available in German. Universität Heidelberg und Heidelberger Institut für Theoretische Studien (HITS) vertiefen ihre Kooperation …

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