
What´s new at HITS? On this page you can find the latest news from and about HITS, including the latest scientific discoveries, personal achievements by our researchers or general changes at HITS.

Mathematical models, astrophysical simulations

27. June 2014

The HITS scientists Volker Springel (Astrophysics) and Tilmann Gneiting (Mathematics) are among the highly cited researchers worldwide. Two scientists of the …

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TRAPP on the Frontpage

13. June 2014

An article by HITS researcher Dr. Daria Kokh (MCM) has made it onto the frontpage of the Journal of Chemical Information …

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No. 15 | 06-2014

1. June 2014

This summer, HITS will present digital research on the floating science center “MS Wissenschaft”, as an event in Year of Science “…

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In “Nature”: Galaxies out of a Supercomputer

8. May 2014

A new computer simulation shows the formation of galaxies with unprecedented precision, allowing astrophysicists from Heidelberg, the U.S. and England …

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No. 14 | 04-2014

1. April 2014

Everything about our next HITS “Journalist in Residence” Michele Catanzaro, a Milky Way out of the supercomputer and HITS mathematicians who …

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Dazzler Blog online

25. March 2014

The Dazzler Blog is about algorithms and software for DNA sequence assembly, specifically for next, next gen long-read sequencers such as …

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Andreas Reuter at the ACM Europe Council Meeting

24. March 2014

In March, the ACM Europe Council Meeting was held at the British Royal Society in London. HITS Managing Director Prof. Andreas …

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Mathematik hilft Umweltschutz

11. March 2014

This content is only available in German. Wie mathematische Ansätze umweltrelevante Arbeitsprozesse, wie zum Beispiel Recycling optimieren können, diskutierten …

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A Milky Way out of the Supercomputer

10. March 2014

The formation of disk galaxies has long been a conundrum for cosmologists: computer simulations produced typically far too massive and too …

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Charts Special | 03-2014

1. March 2014

In 2013, the HITS grew by four new research groups. In a “Charts Special” issue, we will introduce briefly the new group …

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