
What´s new at HITS? On this page you can find the latest news from and about HITS, including the latest scientific discoveries, personal achievements by our researchers or general changes at HITS.

Put more Journalism into Science Journalism

3. November 2014

Science journalist Michele Catanzaro on research in the media from an  international, non-naive view – HITS public talk on Tuesday, November 11, 4 …

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29. October 2014

GADGET is a freely available code for cosmological N-body/SPH simulations on massively parallel computers with distributed memory. GADGET uses an …

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29. October 2014

The Virgo Consortium for cosmological supercomputer simulations was founded in 1994 and has developed rapidly into the international collaboration that it …

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Millennium Galaxy Catalogues

28. October 2014

When published in 2005, the Millennium Run was the largest ever simulation of the formation of structure within the ΛCDM cosmology. It …

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28. October 2014

The Illustris project is a large cosmological hydrodynamics simulation of galaxy formation, completed in late 2013, using a state of the art …

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TR-33: “The Dark Universe”

28. October 2014

The TAP group participates in the Transregional Collaborative Research Centre TRR 33 “The Dark Universe”, funded by the DFG. In the …

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28. October 2014

The EXAMAG project (“Exascale simulations of the evolution of the universe including magnetic fields”) within the SPPEXA network of the DFG …

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SFB-881: “The Milky Way System”

28. October 2014

The TAP group participates in the Collaborative Research Center (Sonderforschungsbereich, SFB) 881 “The Milky Way System” at Heidelberg University. …

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28. October 2014

The European Research Council (ERC) has funded the Project EXAGAL “Hydrodynamical Simulations of Galaxy Formation at the Peta- and Exascale” as …

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AREPO – Code

28. October 2014

The AREPO code is a cosmological hydrodynamical simulation code on a fully dynamic unstructured mesh. At present, hydrodynamic cosmological simulations usually …

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