
What´s new at HITS? On this page you can find the latest news from and about HITS, including the latest scientific discoveries, personal achievements by our researchers or general changes at HITS.

Pia Grzesiak – Journalist in Residence 2013

11. November 2014

TV journalist Pia Grzesiak stayed at HITS as Journalist in Residence from April to July 2013. Already during her Biology studies at …

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Volker Stollorz – Journalist in Residence 2012

11. November 2014

In July 2012, Volker Stollorz came as the first Journalist in Residence to HITS and spent four month at our institute. Volker …

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Lecture: “Cosmic Explosions”

10. November 2014

Winter semester 2014/2015 by Rüdiger Pakmor (Mentor: Volker Springel) The lecture on “Cosmic Explosions” will be given at Heidelberg University in …

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Lecture: “Fundamentals of Simulation Methods”

10. November 2014

Winter semester 2013/2014      (will be offered again by V. Springel in winter semester 2015/2016) by Volker Springel This lecture (MVComp1) …

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Arepo-Code Visualizations

9. November 2014

This page illustrates principal capabilities of the AREPO code through a series of two dimensional simulations, as described in the original …

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Millennium Simulation Visualizations

9. November 2014

The cold dark matter model has become the leading theoretical paradigm for the formation of structure in the Universe. Together with …

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In “Science”: Scientists resolve the evolution of insects

7. November 2014

A collaboration of more than 100 researchers from 10 countries announce the results of an unprecedented scientific study that resolves the evolutionary history …

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GALIC – Code

5. November 2014

The GALIC code is a publicly available program that implements a new iterative method for the construction of N-body galaxy models …

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NGenIC – Code

5. November 2014

NGenIC is an initial conditions code for cosmological structure formation that can be used to set-up random N-body realizations of Gaussian …

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Aquarius Project Visualizations

3. November 2014

The Aquarius Project is a large-scale collaborative programme of the Virgo Consortium, similar in scope and scale to the Millennium Simulation …

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