
What´s new at HITS? On this page you can find the latest news from and about HITS, including the latest scientific discoveries, personal achievements by our researchers or general changes at HITS.

In “Science”: Big data explain evolution of birds

12. December 2014

Bird tree of life reproduced by gene analysis and supercomputing, new findings about basics of birdsongs, feathers, biodiversity, and bird evolution …

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Mechanosensing ability of Focal Adhesion Kinase

10. December 2014

Mechanosensing plays a decisive role at focal adhesions (Fas), sites at which external forces are integrated into cellular signaling pathways, thereby …

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PhD. Thesis Submitted

10. December 2014

In October 2014 Angela Fahrni submitted her PhD. thesis, “Joint Discourse-aware Concept Disambiguation and Clustering”. In November 2014 Angela started as PostDoc at …

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10. December 2014

Michael Strube will be PC Co-Chair at the ACL’s 2015 flagship conference ACL-IJCNLP ’15 to be held in Beijing, China, July 26-31, 2015.

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10. December 2014

New research training group funded by DFG: AIPHES (Adaptive Information Processing from Heterogeneous Sources). This is a collaboration between the CS …

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EMNLP 2014

10. December 2014

Two long papers accepted at EMNLP ’14: Yufang Hou, Katja Markert and Michael Strube: A rule-based system for end-to-end bridging resolution, and …

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10. December 2014

Long paper accepted for oral presentation at COLING ’14: Nafise Sadat Moosavi and Michael Strube: Unsupervised coreference resolution by utilizing the most …

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ICSB: Standards for Systems Biology

9. December 2014

In September, Martin Golebiewski (SDBV) organized workshops on computer models and standards at the 15th International Conference on Systems Biology (Melbourne, …

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Composite Materials

2. December 2014

Polymeric materials show outstanding mechanical properties and have attracted a great deal of scientific interest. By means of all-atom molecular dynamics, …

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Focal Adhesion Kinase is a mechanosensor!

2. December 2014

MD simulations of a FAK fragment containing the catalytic and FERM domains in different protein system are carried out to compare …

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