TPDL Paper Accepted
The paper “Semantic Author Name Disambiguation with Word Embeddings” by Mark-Christoph Müller has been accepted as a Long Paper at …

Protected: Chaotically Magnetized Cloud Is No Place to Build a Star, or Is It?
U.S. astronomers and astrophysicists found that stars can emerge from a wider range of conditions as previously thought. For their …

“Auriga” project helps uncover the history of galaxies
A research team led by HITS scientist Robert Grand ran 36 simulations of Milky Ways on German supercomputers, for the first time …

PSO group supports workshop at the European Centre for Theoretical Studies (ECT*), Trento, Italy
The PSO group at HITS supports the workshop “Bridging nuclear and gravitational physics: the dense matter equation of state”, which is …

No. 27 | 06-2017
A professorship in Potsdam for HITSter Christoph Pfrommer, the portait of astrophysicist and “Tschira fellow” Freeke van de Voort, awards …

Auriga Project
The Auriga Project is a large suite of high-resolution magneto-hydrodynamical simulations of Milky Way-sized galaxies, simulated in a fully cosmological environment …

New TRAPP webserver for studying TRAnsient Pockets in Proteins
Many drugs exert their therapeutic effects by binding in cavities or pockets on specific target protein macromolecules. The binding pockets on …

Young Researcher´s award goes to HITS doctoral student
Mehmet Ali Öztürk, PhD student at HITS and at the Hartmut Hoffmann-Berling International Graduate School of Molecular and Cellular Biology (…