Mathematical models, astrophysical simulations
The HITS scientists Volker Springel (Astrophysics) and Tilmann Gneiting (Mathematics) are among the highly cited researchers worldwide. Two scientists of the …

TRAPP on the Frontpage
An article by HITS researcher Dr. Daria Kokh (MCM) has made it onto the frontpage of the Journal of Chemical Information …

Dazzler Blog online
The Dazzler Blog is about algorithms and software for DNA sequence assembly, specifically for next, next gen long-read sequencers such as …

Andreas Reuter at the ACM Europe Council Meeting
In March, the ACM Europe Council Meeting was held at the British Royal Society in London. HITS Managing Director Prof. Andreas …

Mathematik hilft Umweltschutz
This content is only available in German. Wie mathematische Ansätze umweltrelevante Arbeitsprozesse, wie zum Beispiel Recycling optimieren können, diskutierten …

Habilitation for HITSter Christoph Pfrommer
On January 29, 2014, Dr. Christoph Pfrommer (TAP-Group) successfully completed the habilitation process at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Heidelberg University. …

Michele Catanzaro to be new “Journalist in Residence” at HITS
The Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies gives science journalists the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of computer-based, data-driven science with a …

Alexandros Stamatakis board member of IBC, Montpellier/France
Alexandros Stamatakis, leader of the Scientific Computing group at HITS, has been appointed member of the scientific advisory board of the …

Honorary Certificate for Andreas Reuter
Prof. Andreas Reuter, managing director of HITS, has been awarded an Honorary Certificate by Donetsk National Technical University, Ukraine. He received …

Rebecca Wade associate editor for scientific journal
Rebecca Wade, leader of the MCM group, has been appointed as an associate editor for the journal PLOS Computational Biology. PLOS …