HITSter wins Poster Prize at “Extremes 2014“ Symposium
Kira Feldmann, PhD Student in the Computational Statistics group at HITS, was awarded a poster prize at the “Extremes Symposium 2014” by …
Michael Strube to be co-chair of the ACL 2015
Prof. Michael Strube, head of the NLP group, was appointed Program Committee Co-chair of the ACL 2015. The conference of the Association …
“Journalist in Residence”: Michele Catanzaro at HITS
The Barcelona-based science journalist Michele Catanzaro begins his stay at the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) as “Journalist in Residence.” …
Small but significant: HITS performs well in the Humboldt ranking
The current Humboldt ranking lists the German research institutions and cities that are leading in the international contest for the best …
HITS an Bord: Digitale Forschung auf der MS Wissenschaft
This content is only available in German. 6. August 2014, 18 Uhr 30 bis 22 Uhr: Mitmachstationen, Vorführungen sowie eine Podiumsdiskussion mit der baden-wü…
Die Kraft, die im Molekül steckt
This content is only available in German. Dr. Frauke Gräter, Leiterin der Forschungsgruppe „Molecular Biomechanics“ am Heidelberger Institut für …
HITS bei Explore Science: Es lebe die Vielfalt!
This content is only available in German. Was haben wir Menschen mit einer Banane gemeinsam? Wie macht man DNA sichtbar? Mit …
Mathematical models, astrophysical simulations
The HITS scientists Volker Springel (Astrophysics) and Tilmann Gneiting (Mathematics) are among the highly cited researchers worldwide. Two scientists of the …
TRAPP on the Frontpage
An article by HITS researcher Dr. Daria Kokh (MCM) has made it onto the frontpage of the Journal of Chemical Information …
Dazzler Blog online
The Dazzler Blog is about algorithms and software for DNA sequence assembly, specifically for next, next gen long-read sequencers such as …