“Journalist in Residence”: Larry Krumenaker at HITS
The North American science writer Larry Krumenaker is the 2015 “Journalist in Residence” at the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS). This …

The Future of Computation & Knowledge: Stephen Wolfram at HITS
The distinguished scientist, technologist and entrepreneur Stephen Wolfram visited the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) on Friday, March 27 to meet …

Computer Science Talent joins HITS
In February 2015, Sarah Lutteropp joined the SCO group (leader: Alexandros Stamatakis) as student worker. She currently studies at the Karlsruhe …

What is the Impact of Cosmic Rays on Galaxy Formation?
European Research Council will fund HITS astrophysicist Christoph Pfrommer with an ERC Consolidator Grant with € 2 Million HITS astrophysicist Priv.-Doz. Dr. …

Brighter than 100 Billion Stars
Supernova scientist Friedrich Röpke is the leader of the new research group „Physics of Stellar Objects“ at HITS and professor …

Groundbreaking Ceremony for ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre
A groundbreaking ceremony for the ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre took place on February 24 at ESO’s Headquarters in Garching, …

HITS scientists building bioinformatics networks
HITS scientists Jonathan Fuller and Xiaofeng Yu have been involved in co-founding the Heidelberg Unseminars in Bioinformatics (HUB) along with colleagues …

New Branches at the Tree of Life
Biologist Emily Jane McTavish (University of Kansas) does evolutionary research using DNA sequence data and computational tools. She is visiting the …

Klaus Tschira Foundation celebrates anniversary with HITS
Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) organized a scientific symposium on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Klaus Tschira …

New Foundations for HITS
HITS has new statutes and new shareholders, Heidelberg University and KIT. Furthermore, the “HITS Stiftung” and a Scientific Advisory Board have …