HITS Annual Report 2017 released!

22. May 2018

The HITS Annual Report 2017 has been released. In this report, you will find research highlights from 2017 that range from decoding of …

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In memory of Isabel Rojas

18. May 2018

On May 11, 2018, Isabel Rojas (1968-2013) would have turned fifty years old. HITS views Isabel Rojas’s fiftieth birthday as an opportunity to …

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New planetarium and astronomy visitor centre opened

26. April 2018

Today, after three years of construction, the ESO Supernova Planetarium and Visitor Centre will be inaugurated. The new centre at the …

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Girls’ Day at HITS 2018

23. April 2018

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Habilitation for HITSter Rüdiger Pakmor

13. March 2018

The astrophysicist Dr. Rüdiger Pakmor from the Theoretical Astrophysis group (TAP) successfully completed the habilitation process at Heidelberg University. At …

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Die Computational Biology (CBI) Gruppe, 2013-2018 (v.l.n.r.): Martin Pippel, Siegfried Schloissnig, Philipp Kämpfer, Sean Powell, Philipp Bongartz.

CBI Junior Group: Mission Accomplished

13. February 2018

HITS Junior Group “Computational Biology” is bringing its work to a close with two publications in “Nature.” According to Group Leader …

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Kerstin Hoppenhaus and Andreas von Bubnoff to be “Journalists in Residence” at HITS

12. January 2018

The Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies gives science journalists the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of computer-based, data-driven science with a …

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Season’s Greetings!

13. December 2017

On the whole, a successful but busy year is coming to its end and we look forward to start into the …

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Again: Three “Highly Cited Researchers” at HITS

16. November 2017

Three HITS scientists are named among the most cited researchers worldwide. This year’s “Highly Cited Researchers” ranking by Clarivate Analytics …

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Tracking down the origins of gold

8. November 2017

The European Research Council has awarded HITS astrophysicist Andreas Bauswein an ERC Starting Grant worth approximately 1.5 million euros. Using computer simulations, …

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