“Highly Cited Researchers” at HITS

27. November 2018

HITS scientists are listed among the most cited researchers worldwide. This year’s “Highly Cited Researchers” ranking by Clarivate Analytics again …

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Programmieren von der Pike auf: HITS unterstützt Roboter-Wettbewerb

16. October 2018

Vom 11.-12. Oktober 2018 fand am Ernst-Sigle-Gymnasium in Kornwestheim (Baden-Württemberg) der Programmierwettbewerb zum Thema „Mathematik und Robotik“ statt. Schülerinnen und …

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ACM Symposium 2018: Michael Strube speaks about „the dark side of NLP“

11. September 2018

The German Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) turns 50 this year and celebrates its anniversary with a Symposium in …

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“Astroinformatics” Conference 2018 in Heidelberg

29. August 2018

The international “Astroinformatics 2018” conference will be held in the Studio Villa Bosch, Heidelberg, from September 3–7, 2018. Scientists from all over the world …

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Kerstin Hoppenhaus named “Journalist in Residence” at HITS

8. August 2018

The Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies provides science journalists the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of computer-based, data-driven science through a …

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An Honor and a Farewell

1. August 2018

After more than eight years at HITS, Volker Springel, head of the Theoretical Astrophysics group at HITS, has assumed his new …

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HITS open house event 2018

27. June 2018

Tag der offenen Tür am HITS: Mitmachangebote, Präsentationen und Vorträge von der Molekularbiologie bis zur Astronomie. Das Heidelberger …

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For the Third Time: Award for Teaching Bioinformatics

20. June 2018

All good things come in threes: Dr. Alexandros Stamatakis – head of the HITS research group Scientific Computing and a computer science …

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HITS Spektrograph

14. June 2018

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HITS at Explore Science 2018

11. June 2018

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