Astronomy Award for HITS researcher Fabian Schneider
Astrophysicist Fabian Schneider, head of the junior group “Stellar Evolution Theory” (SET) at HITS, has received the Ludwig Biermann Award of …

City Cycling 2021: Mud, sweat and gears
They did it again – and this time they joined forces with colleagues across the Klaus Tschira Foundation: The HITS cycling team 2021 …

HITS researcher is Schiemann Fellow of the Max Planck Society
Ganna (Anya) Gryn’ova, head of the Computational Carbon Chemistry (CCC) group at HITS, has been elected as Schiemann Fellow of …

Issue 2 | 2021
HITS Group Leader Anna Wienhard (Groups and Geometry) has been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant of the European Research Council (ERC) …

ERC Advanced Grant for HITS group leader
Mathematician Anna Wienhard has been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant. She is group leader of the associated “Groups and Geometry” group …

Issue 1 | 2021
HITS welcomes new group leader Fabian Schneider, who started in January 2021. The astrophysicist is currently establishing his own research group “Stellar …

Registration open: Biological Diffusion and Brownian Dynamics Brainstorm 5 (BDBDB5)
Biological Diffusion and Brownian Dynamics Brainstorm 5 (BDBDB5: https://bdbdb.h-its.org/) will take place in virtual format on 24-25 …

Exploring the evolution of stars
Fabian Schneider leads the new research group “Stellar Evolution Theory” (SET) at the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS). The astrophysicist …

15th Würzburg workshop on Astrophysics 2020 at HITS
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the annual winter workshop organized by the Physics of Stellar Objects (PSO) group at HITS had …

New Scientific Director: Frauke Gräter
As of January 2021, Frauke Gräter is the new Scientific Director of HITS. As the position of Scientific Director rotates through …