Again: “Highly Cited Researcher” at HITS
HITS scientist Alexandros Stamatakis belongs to the most cited researchers worldwide, according to this year’s “Highly Cited Researchers” ranking by …

Data visualization with SABIO-VIS
Collecting and curating data has never been more important – especially for systems biology. If already existing data isn’t available to …

Max Planck School Matter to Life – Application Portals now open
The new Matter to Life Master’s programs at Heidelberg University, Göttingen University, and Technical University …

The irresistible pull – when massive stars collide
All neutron stars are magnetic, but some are more magnetic than others. The latter, so-called magnetars, are the strongest magnets in …

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2019
At the CCC-organised ChemNobel, Coffee and Cake event, we have successfully predicted the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry going to John …

“Best Poster and Demonstration Award” for HITS NLP scientist
Mark-Christoph Müller from the Natural Language Processing (NLP) group at HITS has been awarded the “Best Poster and Demonstration Award” …

Opening Ceremony of the Max Planck Schools
The three pilot Schools officially welcome their first students at the Harnack House Berlin, September 11th: The Max Planck Schools have …

KBbox is online!
A new web server, KBbox, provides a toolbox of computational methods for studying the kinetics of molecular binding Recent research has …

Poster Prize for Goutam Mukherjee
Goutam Mukherjee, PostDoc in the Molecular and Cellular Modeling (MCM) group at HITS, has been awarded a Poster Prize at the 19…

„Best Paper Award“ for HITS researchers
Federico López and Michael Strube, both members of the Natural Language Processing (NLP) group at HITS, and Benjamin Heinzerling (former …