Two papers accepted at EMNLP
The paper “Centering-based Neural Coherence Modeling with Hierarchical Discourse Segments” by NLP group PhD student and HITS scholarship holder Sungho Jeon …

ERC Starting Grant for HITS astrophysicist
Fabian Schneider has been awarded about € 1.5 million for five years. He will establish his own junior research group at HITS. Astrophysicist …

Uncovering the structure of stars
Astrophysicist Saskia Hekker is the leader of the new research group “Theory and Observations of Stars” at HITS and professor in …

Chemists amid coronavirus
Anya Gryn’ova discusses with Chemistry World how the global pandemic affected work and wellbeing of her research group. See the …

A difficult task: Phylogenetic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 data
Computer scientists from HITS and KIT review the challenges for phylogenetic methods in analyzing the evolution of the corona virus: Large …

Starting from scratch – HITS group leader Vincent Heuveline nominated as one of 108 “Heidelberg Heroes”
Our notion of a hero is usually a person who is admired for having done something brave or having achieved something …

Verification and post-processing of weather forecasts
Fellowship term ends for Tilmann Gneiting as one of ECMWF’s first three Fellows CST group leader Tilmann Gneiting was appointed …

Women in Computational Chemistry
The Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling (JCIM) published a special issue on “Women in Computational Chemistry” in May 2019 to address …

Increasing knowledge about COVID-19
The new “Task Force COVID-19” is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and aims to make it easier for experts …

Getting health data into shape
A multidisciplinary team is set to establish a research data infrastructure for personal health data in Germany: nfdi4health. The project – …