Upcoming Events

HITS organizes scientific events throughout the year. Each month, HITS hosts its colloquium series. If you like to receive an invitation, please use this registration form: https://www.h-its.org/registration/

Our research groups offer scientific workshops. Additionally, HITS offers talks and events for the general public in Heidelberg and surroundings.

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HITS Colloquium Christina Elmer: Synthetic Truthfulness? Learning Systems as a Challenge for Communication and a Transformative Force for Journalism

Studio Villa Bosch Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 33, Heidelberg, Germany

  By Christina Elmer, Institute & School of Journalism, TU Dortmund University   AI systems are both promising and unsettling for quality journalism. On the one hand, they open up completely new possibilities – for investigating large amounts of data, utilizing knowledge resources and creating even more efficient workflows. At the same time, they jeopardize […]

16th SIMPLAIX internal project meeting

Studio Villa Bosch Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 33, Heidelberg, Germany

The 16th SIMPLAIX internal project meeting will take place in Studio Villa Bosch.

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