The MESI-STRAT consortium explores the interplay of breast cancer metabolism and oncogenic signaling (MEtabolic SIgnaling) by systems medicine approaches. MESI-STRAT develops new models for knowledge-based stratification of patients into subgroups with different endocrine therapy resistance mechanisms. MESI-STRAT aims to establish predictive pipelines for (i) patient stratification prior and during endocrine therapy; (ii) recurrence risk assessment when ending endocrine therapy; (iii) marker panels to guide established targeted therapies for endocrine therapy-resistant patients; and (iv) novel resistance mechanism-based therapy design.
A pan-European team of oncologists, modelers, bioinformaticians and experimentalists will develop new computational models in combination with network analyses and pharmacogenomics, to integrate multi-omics data and explore metabolic and signaling networks driving endocrine therapy resistance.
Within the consortium SDBV leads the work package “MESI-SEEK” with responsibility for the model and data management and analyses. FAIRDOMHub is used for model and data management.
MESI-STRAT project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 754688.
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