Welcome Sara!
A warm welcome to Sara Becker that has just joined the MBM group as an intern. Sara is a master …

EACL-Papier akzeptiert
Das Papier „Trust, but Verify! Better Entity Linking through Automatic Verification“ von Benjamin Heinzerling, Michael Strube und Chin-Yew Lin wurde als ‚…

Besucher: Prof. Nikolaos Stergioulas
Prof. Nikolaos Stergioulas from AUTH Thessaloniki visited the PSO group from November 15 to November 20. He is the main developer of the …

Besucher: Dr. Matthias Hempel
On November 21/22, Dr. Matthias Hempel from Basel University visited the PSO group at HITS. He is an expert on the nuclear …

Visitor: Prof. Georges Meynet
On May 24, 2016, Prof. Georges Meynet from Geneva Observatory visited the PSO group at HITS and gave the Astrophysical Colloquium at the …

XI. Würzburg Workshop über Supernovae und verwandte Themen
Am 8. und 9. Dezember veranstaltete die PSO-Gruppe den XI. Würzburg Workshop über Supernovae und verwandte Themen in Zusammenarbeit mit der Fluuiddynamik-Gruppe …

EACL-Workshop „Ethics in NLP“
Michael Strube, Gruppenleiter der HITS-NLP-Gruppe, ist Mitorganisator des EACL-Workshops „Ethics in NLP“, der am 4. April 2017 in Valencia, Spanien im Rahmen der …

On YouTube: Dr. Kashif Sadiq’s talk on „Predictive Synthetic Retrovirology“ at European Health Science Match 2016
Dr. Kashif Sadiq from Molecular and Cellular Modeling (MCM) group at HITS was one of the 100 speakers selected for the European …

2016: Fundamentals of Simulation Methods
Winter semester 2016/2017 by Frauke Gräter and Rüdiger Pakmor This lecture (MVComp1) is part of the specialization in Computational Physics …

Lecture: Stellar structures, evolution, and explosions
Winter semester 2016/2017 Prof. Dr. F. Röpke, L. Horst, Dr. P. Edelmann, Dr. S. Jones, Dr. S. Ohlmann Lecture: Tuesday, 14 – 16 …