Thermonuclear explosions of rapidly differentially rotating white dwarfs
In an upcoming publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, an international team of researchers, including PSO scientists Markus Kromer and Friedrich Rö…

PSO alumni meeting
On a perfectly sunny day, we were happy to welcome several former group members at HITS on July 12 for the first …

Mini-Symposium Supernova Observations and Modelling
During the week of July 9-13, the PSO group hosts a number of international guests. Dr Ashley Ruiter and Dr&…

Visitor: Shing Chi Leung
From July 2-4, 2018, the PSO group hosted Dr Shing Chi Leung from the Kavli Institute for the Mathematics and …

Welcome Kevin!
A warm welcome to Kevin who is visiting the group with a fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. He previously …

2018: Lectures and Hands-on sessions in computational molecular biophysics
Computational Molecular Biophysics How can a bird sense magnetic fields, how does our ear detect sound waves, how does our bone …

Kate Maguire gibt Vortrag im Astronomischen Kolloquium
From May 22 to 23, 2018, the PSO group hosted Dr Kate Maguire. Kate leads a research group at the Astrophysics Research …

Gast: Stefan Taubenberger
From May 17 to 18, 2018, Dr Stefan Taubenberger from ESO Garching visited the PSO group to work on superluminous Type Ia supernovae. Stefan …

Gast: Jakob Nordin
From April 26 to 27, 2018, Dr Jakob Nordin from the Humboldt University Berlin visited us to collaborate on questions regarding the use …

Welcome Odysseas!
A warm welcome to Odysseas who has recently joined MBM group as a Bachelor student. Odysseas grew up in Athens, Greece. …