Publikationen MLI
- Cornelio C, Stuehmer J, Hu SX, Hospedales T (2023). Learning where and when to reason in neuro-symbolic inference, In The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations 1596
- Chavhan R, Gouk H, Stuehmer J, Heggan C, Yaghoobi M, Hospedales T (2023). Amortised Invariance Learning for Contrastive Self-Supervision, In The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations 1653
- Hu SX, Li D, Stühmer J, Kim M, Hospedales TM (2022). Pushing the Limits of Simple Pipelines for Few-Shot Learning: External Data and Fine-Tuning Make a Difference, In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 9068–9077 1515
- Negri MM, Fortuin V, Stühmer J (2022). Meta-learning richer priors for VAEs, In Fourth Symposium on Advances in Approximate Bayesian Inference 1516
- Kwon T, Tekin B, Stühmer J, Bogo F, Pollefeys M (2021). H2o: Two hands manipulating objects for first person interaction recognition, In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision, pp. 10138–10148 1517
- Stühmer J, Turner R, Nowozin S (2020). Independent subspace analysis for unsupervised learning of disentangled representations, In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, pp. 1200–1210 1518
- Stoehr N, Yilmaz E, Brockschmidt M, Stühmer J (2019). Disentangling interpretable generative parameters of random and real-world graphs, In NeurIPS Workshop on Graph Representation Learning 1519
- Krieg M, Stühmer J, Cueva JG, Fetter R, Spilker K, Cremers D, Shen K, Dunn AR, Goodman MB (2017). Genetic defects in β-spectrin and tau sensitize C. elegans axons to movement-induced damage via torque-tension coupling, Elife 6:e20172 1520
- Krieg M, Stuehmer J, Cueva JG, Fetter R, Spilker K, Cremers D, Shen K, Dunn AR, Goodman MB (2017). Tau like proteins reduce torque generation in microtubule bundles, Biophysical Journal 112(3):29a–30a 1526
- Stühmer J, Cremers D (2015). A fast projection method for connectivity constraints in image segmentation, In International Workshop on Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 183–196 1521
- Stuhmer J, Nowozin S, Fitzgibbon A, Szeliski R, Perry T, Acharya S, Cremers D, Shotton J (2015). Model-based tracking at 300hz using raw time-of-flight observations, In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, pp. 3577–3585 1527
- Oswald MR, Stühmer J, Cremers D (2014). Generalized connectivity constraints for spatio-temporal 3d reconstruction, In European Conference on Computer Vision, pp. 32–46 1522
- Triebel R, Stühmer J, Souiai M, Cremers D (2014). Active online learning for interactive segmentation using sparse Gaussian processes, In German Conference on Pattern Recognition, pp. 641–652 1528
- Stühmer J, Schroder P, Cremers D (2013). Tree shape priors with connectivity constraints using convex relaxation on general graphs, In Proceedings of the IEEE International conference on Computer Vision, pp. 2336–2343 1523
- Stühmer J, Gumhold S, Cremers D (2010). Real-Time Dense Geometry from a Handheld Camera, In Pattern Recognition: 32nd DAGM Symposium, Darmstadt, Germany, September 22-24, 2010, Proceedings, vol. 6376, p. 11 1524
- Stühmer J, Gumhold S, Cremers D (2010). Parallel generalized thresholding scheme for live dense geometry from a handheld camera, In Proceedings of the 11th European conference on Trends and Topics in Computer Vision-Volume Part II, pp. 450–462 1525
- Arboleda-Estudillo Y, Krieg M, Stühmer J, Licata NA, Muller DJ, Heisenberg C (2010). Movement directionality in collective migration of germ layer progenitors, Current Biology 20(2):161–169 1529
- Carvalho L, Stühmer J, Bois JS, Kalaidzidis Y, Lecaudey V, Heisenberg C (2009). Control of convergent yolk syncytial layer nuclear movement in zebrafish 1530