MBM Gruppe
Molecular Biomechanics


Dynamic disorder can explain non-exponential kinetics of fast protein mechanical unfolding


Dr. Bogdan Costescu et al. unfolded a protein in the computer thousands of times – and successfully detected signatures that hint …

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Welcome Lena!


A warm welcome to Lena Thärichen that has just joined the MBM group as an intern. Lena is a master …

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Welcome Agnieszka!


A warm welcome to Agnieszka Obarska-Kosinska that just joined the MBM group as a postdoctoral fellow from Poland. Agnieszka did her …

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Material aus der Natur: ein hochelastischer Druckballon


Kollagene bilden die dominierende Klasse extrazellulärer Proteine in mehrzelligen Organismen. Sie sind immer dort zahlreich vorhanden, wo eine hohe Elastizitä…

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Open positions for Master and PhD students


We are currently looking for Master and PhD students with a major in physics, biophysics, biochemistry, or related fields. Projects involve …

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Welcome Vedran!


A warm welcome to Vedran Miletić that just joined the MBM group as a postdoctoral fellow from Croatia. Verdan has …

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Mechanosensing of focal adhesion kinase


Why do astronauts suffer from bone loss? Astronauts lose bone mass because of the low gravity in space. Bones need mechanical …

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Durch die ultraschnelle, aber zugleich gezielte Bindung rast der Rezeptor (goldfarben) durch die mit ungeordneten Proteinen gefüllte Pore in den Zellkern, während unerwünschte Moleküle ferngehalten werden. (Bild: Mercadante /HITS) The ultrafast and yet selective binding allows the receptor (gold) to rapidly travel through the pore filled with disordered proteins (blue) into the nucleus, while any unwanted molecules are kept outside. (Image: Mercadante /HITS)

In „Cell“: Der Schlüssel zur Proteinbindung – ungeordnet, aber ultraschnell


Die Kommunikation in Zellen zwischen dem Zellkern, der unser wertvolles genetisches Material beherbergt, und dem Zellplasma wird durch den dauerhaften Austausch …

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Welcome Csaba!


A warm welcome to Csaba Daday that joined us from the Biomolecular Electronic Structure group of Prof. Claudia Filippi in Twente. …

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Lectures and Hands-on sessions in Computational Biophysics!


How can a bird sense magnetic fields, how does our ear detect sound waves, how does our bone feel gravitation? It …

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