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Flouri T, Zhang J, Czech L, Kobert K, Stamatakis A (2017). An Efficient Approach to Merging Paired-End Reads and Incorporation of Uncertainties, In Algorithms for Next-Generation Sequencing Data, pp. 299-325, Springer 215
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Knirsch L, Morel B, Stamatakis A (2025). Distanzbasierte Inferenz von Genbäumen unter Berücksichtigung ihres Speziesbaumes (Bachelor’s Thesis)1915
Suhrkamp A, Stamatakis A (2024). Improving DNA-Barcoding Databases: A Framework for Error Detection and Correction in the Barcode of Life Data System (BOLD) (Master’s Thesis)1907
Laudemann E, Stamatakis A (2024). Validation and Cross‑Species Comparison of scRNA‑seq Trajectory Inference Algorithms (Master’s Thesis)1908
Borker E, Stamatakis A (2024). Effects of Systematic Errors on Phylogenetic Inference (Master’s Thesis)1909
Hengstler J, Hübner L, Stamatakis A (2024). Re-Engineering Genomic Tree Sequence Inference Algorithms (Master’s Thesis)1910
Siebelt D, Hübner L, Stamatakis A (2024). Faster Sorting of Aligned DNA-Read Files (Bachelor’s Thesis)1911
Wiegert J, Haag J, Höhler D, Stamatakis A (2024). Use Cases of Predictive Modeling for Phylogenetic Inference and Placements (Master’s Thesis)1912
Mercatoris L, Stamatakis A (2024). Quantification and Prediction of Multiple Sequence Alignment Difficulty (Master’s Thesis)1913
Wahl N, Morel B, Stamatakis A (2023). Approximating Phylogenetic Tree Distributions with Distance-Based Methods (Master’s Thesis)1914
Häuser L, Haag J, Stamatakis A (2023). Quantitative Analysis and Characterization of Natural Language Evolution Datasets (Master’s Thesis)1916
Strehmel J, Bettisworth B, Höhler D, Stamatakis A (2023). Is there a Correlation between the Use of Swearwords and Code Quality in Open Source Code? (Bachelor’s Thesis)1917
Investigating the relationship between tree distance and model distance (Master’s Thesis), Computer Science, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Alexandros Stamatakis(HITS Tutor) 1878
Schade P (2020). Phylogenetic species tree inference from gene trees despite paralogy (Master’s Thesis), Computer Science, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Alexandros Stamatakis(HITS Tutor) 1877
Höhler D (2020). Advanced Heuristics for Accelerating PaPaRa (Master’s Thesis), Computer Science, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Alexandros Stamatakis(HITS Tutor) 1876
Hubner L (2020). Load-Balance and Fault-Tolerance for Massively Parallel Phylogenetic Inference (Master’s Thesis), Computer Science, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Alexandros Stamatakis(HITS Tutor) 1875
Biczok R (2019). Integration of internal and external gene expression and drug-perturbation data to empower novel immune therapies against Parkinson’s Disease (Master’s Thesis), Computer Science, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Alexandros Stamatakis(HITS Tutor) 899
Wegmann J (2019). Technical and Algorithmic Optimization of PaPaRa (Master’s Thesis), Computer Science, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Alexandros Stamatakis(HITS Tutor) 900
Breitling P (2019). Quantitave Analysis of Phylogenetic Quasi-Terraces (Master’s Thesis), Computer Science, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Alexandros Stamatakis(HITS Tutor) 901
Rülicke L (2018). Design and Implementation of I/O-Efficient Taxa Quartets Counting in the Context of Phylogenetic Analysis (Master’s Thesis), Computer Science, University of Frankfurt, 2018, Ulrich Meyer(Tutor), Alexandros Stamatakis(HITS Tutor) 319
Giesse S (2018). Inferring Species Trees by Minimizing Quartet-based Uncertainty (Master’s Thesis), Computer Science, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 2018, Alexandros Stamatakis(HITS Tutor) 320
Kozlov A (2018). Models, Optimizations, and Tools for Large-Scale Phylogenetic Inference, Handling Sequence Uncertainty, and Taxonomic Validation (Doctoral Thesis), Computer Science, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 2018, Alexandros Stamatakis(HITS Tutor) 321
Schwaiger N (2017). MC3 für phylogenetische Bäume und molekulare Datierung (Master’s Thesis), Mathematics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 2017, Alexandros Stamatakis and Tilmann Gneiting(Tutor) 210
Lutteropp S (2017). Error-Profile-Aware Correction of Next Generation Sequencing Read (Master’s Thesis), Computer Science, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 2017, Alexandros Stamatakis(Tutor) 211
Barbera P (2016). Efficient and Massively Parallel Implementation of the Evolutionary Placement Algorithm (Master’s Thesis), Computer Science, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 2016, Alexandros Stamatakis(Tutor) 109
Darriba D (2016). Selection of models of genomic evolution in HPC environments (Doctoral Thesis), Computer Science, University of A Coruna, 2016, Guillermo López Taboada(Tutor), Alexandros Stamatakis(HITS Tutor) 110
Kobert K (2016). Mathematical Problems in Molecular Evolution and Next Generation Sequencing (Doctoral Thesis), Computer Science, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 2016, Alexandros Stamatakis(Tutor) 111
Psonis N (2016). Molecular Phylogeny and Phylogeography of the Podarcis tauricus (Sauria: Lacertidae) Species Subgroup (Doctoral Thesis), Department of Biology, University of Crete, 2016, Nikolaos Poulakakis(Tutor), Alexandros Stamatakis(HITS Tutor) 112