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COMBINE 2019 Meeting

The "Computational Modeling in Biology" Network (COMBINE) is an initiative to coordinate the development of the various community standards and formats in systems biology, synthetic biology and related fields. COMBINE 2019 will be a workshop-style event with invited lectures, oral presentations and posters, but also reserving enough time for afternoon breakout sessions. The five meeting […]

Colloquium Peter Hunter: Computational Physiology and the Physiome Project

By Prof. Dr. Peter Hunter, Auckland Bioengineering Institute, University of Auckland, New Zealand Computational physiological models deal with multiple physical processes (coupled tissue mechanics, electrical activity, fluid flow, etc) at multiple spatial and temporal scales. In many cases the goal is to understand integrative biological function in terms of underlying tissue structure and molecular mechanisms. […]

Colloquium Richard A. Bonneau: Large Scale Machine Learning Methods for Predicting Protein Functions from integration of Sequence, Structure and Networks

By Prof. Dr. Richard A. Bonneau, Professor of Biology and Computer Science; Director, NYU Center for Data Science, New York, USA Vladimir Gligorijevic, P Douglas Renfrew and Richard Bonneau. Due to limitations of existing experimental methods for determining protein functions and the high cost of experiments, the vast majority of proteins across many organisms remain […]

Vortrag Prof. Dr. Andreas von Bubnoff, HITS Journalist in Residence 2019: Auf der Suche nach der Wahrheit – Wissenschaftsjournalismus in Zeiten von post-truth und reproducibility crisis

Die Wahrheit, so scheint es, hat es schwer heutzutage: Oxford Dictionaries erklärte "post-truth" zum internationalen Wort des Jahres 2016; Fake News verbreiten sich oft schneller, als sie entlarvt werden können; und der Relotius-Skandal offenbarte Schwachstellen beim Faktencheck im deutschen Journalismus. Auch in der Wissenschaft gibt es Probleme: Wissenschaftliche Studien, etwa zur Ernährung, widersprechen sich allzu […]

Colloquium Nicholas G. Reich: The Computational Science of Real-time Influenza Forecasting

By Nicholas G. Reich, Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, University of Massachusetts, School of Public Health and Health Sciences, Amherst, USA Seasonal influenza outbreaks cause substantial annual morbidity and mortality worldwide. Accurate forecasts of key features of influenza epidemics, such as the timing and severity of the peak incidence in a given season, can inform […]

Workshop: Molecular Stresses

This workshop aims at discussing and devising new and unifying concepts to calculate and understand molecular stresses in complex materials. Such molecular stresses can stem from quantum chemical calculations, atomistic or coarse-grained Molecular Dynamics simulations. They could be inherent to the system, i.e. reflect intrinsic tension or pre-stress, or build up upon applying external mechanical […]

HITS bei „Astronomy on Tap“

  “A New Science is Born: Astronomy in the Era of AI” - Der Pub Vortrag von Antonio D'Isanto von der Astroinformatics (AIN) Gruppe.   Der Vortrag (in Englisch!) findet im O’Reilly’s Irish Pub in der Brückenkopfstraße 1 in Heidelberg statt. Der Eintritt ist frei. “Astronomy on Tap” ist eine Vortragsserie zum Thema Astronomie und […]

Colloquium Keith A. Crandall: Computational Approaches for Characterizing Microbiome Diversity

Studio Villa Bosch Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 33, Heidelberg, Germany

By Keith A. Crandall, PhD, Professor ob Biostatistics & Bioinformatics, Director - Computational Biology Institute, Milken Institute School of Public Health, George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA   Microbiome characterization has become an integral component to the study of a wide variety of disease and health for a diversity of organisms. Through the collection of […]

HITS bei “Astronomy on Tap”

“Can crowdsourcing be replaced by machine learning” – the pub talk by HITS researcher Erica Hopkins from the Astroinformatics (AIN) group. Der Vortrag (in Englisch!) findet im O’Reilly’s Irish Pub in der Brückenkopfstraße 1 in Heidelberg statt. Der Eintritt ist frei. “Astronomy on Tap” ist eine Vortragsserie zum Thema Astronomie und Astrophysik in Heidelberg. Bei […]

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