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Tag der offenen Tür am HITS

Heidelberger Institut für Theoretische Studien Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 35, Heidelberg, Germany

Nach vier Jahren Pause öffnet das Heidelberger Institut für Theoretische Studien (HITS) am Samstag, den 9. Juli 2022, wieder seine Türen im Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 35. Von 11 bis 17 Uhr erwartet die Besucher*innen ein vielfältiges Programm mit allgemeinverständlichen Vorträgen und Präsentationen zu den Forschungsthemen des Instituts, botanischen Gartenführungen in deutscher und englischer Sprache und zahlreichen Angeboten […]

Eike Hermann Müller: Efficient fast multipole methods for (kinetic) Monte Carlo simulations of interacting particle systems

By Eike Hermann Müller, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, UK Including electrostatics in (kinetic) Monte Carlo simulations of interacting particles is challenging due to the long-range nature of the Coulomb potential. As a result, the computational complexity grows rapidly with N, the number of particles in the system. While the Fast Multipole Method […]

Tools for Systems biology modeling and data exchange: COPASI, CellNetAnalyzer, SABIO-RK, FAIRDOMHub/SEEK

Heidelberg Heidelberg, Germany

During this 3-day course, attendees will learn basic techniques for modeling of biochemical networks including data access and storage due to the FAIR principles. The first day introduces principles of stoichiometric and constraint-based modeling coupled with hands on exercises using CellNetAnalyzer. The second day continues with kinetic modeling techniques which will be illustrated and exercised […]

5th SIMPLAIX internal project meeting

Studio Villa Bosch Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 33, Heidelberg, Germany

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HITS/SIMPLAIX talk: Olexandr Isayev

Heidelberger Institut für Theoretische Studien Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 35, Heidelberg, Germany

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Kolloquium David Dao

By David Dao, GainForest/PhD candidate ETH Zurich, Switzerland Nature has been deteriorating at rates unparalleled in human history and the implications are global. Climate change and biodiversity loss are two bullets in the same gun. Perils we face in parallel, both driven by deforestation and land use change. If global tropical deforestation were a country, […]

HITS-SIMPLAIX joint colloquium Michele Ceriotti: Atomic-scale modeling in the age of machine learning

Studio Villa Bosch Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 33, Heidelberg, Germany

By Michele Ceriotti, EPFL STI SMX-GE, Lausanne, Switzerland When modeling materials and molecules at the atomic scale, achieving a realistic level of complexity and making quantitative predictions are usually conflicting goals. Data-driven techniques have made great strides towards enabling simulations of materials in realistic conditions with uncompromising accuracy. In this talk I will summarize the […]

Kolloquium Peter Smillie: Counting fullerenes with modular forms — an application of number theory to carbon chemistry

Studio Villa Bosch Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 33, Heidelberg, Germany

By Peter Smillie, Mathematical Institute, Heidelberg University Fullerenes are polyhedral molecules made of carbon atoms, first discovered in 1985. A few isomers are naturally occurring and many more have since been synthesised, with numerous applications across materials science, biology, and medicine. One source of theoretical interest in fullerenes is that there are a lot of […]

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