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Announcing Fourth Biological Diffusion and Brownian Dynamics Brainstorm Meeting (BDBDB 4)

Biological Diffusion and Brownian Dynamics Brainstorm 4 (BDBDB4) will, like the previous meetings (the last was BDBDB3), provide a forum for intensive discussions about the current state of experimental and theoretical studies of biological diffusion, with a focus on the Brownian Dynamics method for simulating biological macromolecules. The first BDBDB meeting was held in 2007 […]

Colloquium Alexander Mäder: How AI could help journalists

By Prof. Alexander Mäder, Hochschule der Medien, Crossmedia-Redaktion/Public Relations, Stuttgart In the old days, not long ago, journalists found out what happened and then reported it. But digitalization has changed this fundamentally. Not only is there less time to do the research but also other actors are weighing in with their own take of what’s […]

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