Workshops und Konferenzen

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Announcing Fourth Biological Diffusion and Brownian Dynamics Brainstorm Meeting (BDBDB 4)

Biological Diffusion and Brownian Dynamics Brainstorm 4 (BDBDB4) will, like the previous meetings (the last was BDBDB3), provide a forum for intensive discussions about the current state of experimental and theoretical studies of biological diffusion, with a focus on the Brownian Dynamics method for simulating biological macromolecules. The first BDBDB meeting was held in 2007 […]

COMBINE 2019 Meeting

The "Computational Modeling in Biology" Network (COMBINE) is an initiative to coordinate the development of the various community standards and formats in systems biology, synthetic biology and related fields. COMBINE 2019 will be a workshop-style event with invited lectures, oral presentations and posters, but also reserving enough time for afternoon breakout sessions. The five meeting […]

Workshop: Molecular Stresses

This workshop aims at discussing and devising new and unifying concepts to calculate and understand molecular stresses in complex materials. Such molecular stresses can stem from quantum chemical calculations, atomistic or coarse-grained Molecular Dynamics simulations. They could be inherent to the system, i.e. reflect intrinsic tension or pre-stress, or build up upon applying external mechanical […]

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