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Girls‘ Day 2022 am HITS


Das HITS bietet 2022 wieder einen spannenden Workshop im Rahmen des Girls’ Day an. Anmeldungen sind ab sofort möglich!

Kolloquium Andreas Reuter: Habitual Inclination Towards Scrutiny: A Brief Reflection on How HITS Came About

By Andreas Reuter Institutes can be created/established for various reasons. Universities (in Germany) do it routinely as a means of structuring their organization. Beauty parlors and private schools like to polish their image by trading under the name of „Institute of XYZ“. And then there are (a few) independent institutes that were established with a […]

Julio Saez-Rodriguez: Computational models from multi-omics data for personalized medicine

By Julio Saez-Rodriguez, Heidelberg University Hospital, Institute of Computational Biomedicine Modern technologies allow us to profile in high detail biological and medical samples at fast decreasing costs. New technologies are opening new data modalities, including to measure at the single-cell level and with spatial resolution.  Computational models, in particular those built with machine learning, are […]

Antonis Rokas: Incongruence in the Tree of Life

By Antonis Rokas, Department of Biological Sciences, Vanderbild University, USA The use of genome-scale amounts of data and sophisticated statistical phylogenetic approaches have greatly aided the reconstruction of a broad sketch of the tree of life and resolved many of its branches. However, incongruence—the inference of conflicting evolutionary histories stemming from a multitude of analytical […]

Tag der offenen Tür am HITS

Heidelberger Institut für Theoretische Studien Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 35, Heidelberg, Germany

Nach vier Jahren Pause öffnet das Heidelberger Institut für Theoretische Studien (HITS) am Samstag, den 9. Juli 2022, wieder seine Türen im Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 35. Von 11 bis 17 Uhr erwartet die Besucher*innen ein vielfältiges Programm mit allgemeinverständlichen Vorträgen und Präsentationen zu den Forschungsthemen des Instituts, botanischen Gartenführungen in deutscher und englischer Sprache und zahlreichen Angeboten […]

Eike Hermann Müller: Efficient fast multipole methods for (kinetic) Monte Carlo simulations of interacting particle systems

By Eike Hermann Müller, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, UK Including electrostatics in (kinetic) Monte Carlo simulations of interacting particles is challenging due to the long-range nature of the Coulomb potential. As a result, the computational complexity grows rapidly with N, the number of particles in the system. While the Fast Multipole Method […]

Kolloquium David Dao

By David Dao, GainForest/PhD candidate ETH Zurich, Switzerland Nature has been deteriorating at rates unparalleled in human history and the implications are global. Climate change and biodiversity loss are two bullets in the same gun. Perils we face in parallel, both driven by deforestation and land use change. If global tropical deforestation were a country, […]

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