
Was gibt es Neues am HITS? Hier gibt es alle Neuigkeiten rund ums HITS, seien es wissenschaftliche Entdeckungen, Erfolge unserer Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen oder aber allgemeine Veränderungen am HITS.

Arepo-Code Visualizations


This page illustrates principal capabilities of the AREPO code through a series of two dimensional simulations, as described in the original …

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Millennium Simulation Visualizations


The cold dark matter model has become the leading theoretical paradigm for the formation of structure in the Universe. Together with …

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In „Science“: Stammbaum der Insekten entschlüsselt


Evolution der Insekten mittels  Gen-Analysen und Supercomputern nachvollzogen /  Grundlage für Anwendungen in Landwirtschaft, Schädlingsbekämpfung und Biotechnologie …

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GALIC – Code


The GALIC code is a publicly available program that implements a new iterative method for the construction of N-body galaxy models …

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NGenIC – Code


NGenIC is an initial conditions code for cosmological structure formation that can be used to set-up random N-body realizations of Gaussian …

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Aquarius Project Visualizations


The Aquarius Project is a large-scale collaborative programme of the Virgo Consortium, similar in scope and scale to the Millennium Simulation …

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Mehr Journalismus im Wissenschafts-Journalismus


Wissenschaftsjournalist Michele Catanzaro  (Barcelona) über Forschung in den Medien aus internationaler Sicht – öffentlicher HITS-Vortrag am Dienstag, 11. November 2014, 16.00 Uhr, im Studio …

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GADGET is a freely available code for cosmological N-body/SPH simulations on massively parallel computers with distributed memory. GADGET uses an …

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TR33 – Das Dunkle Universum


The TAP group participates in the Transregional Collaborative Research Centre TRR 33 „The Dark Universe“, funded by the DFG. In the …

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The EXAMAG project („Exascale simulations of the evolution of the universe including magnetic fields“) within the SPPEXA network of the DFG …

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