
Was gibt es Neues am HITS? Hier gibt es alle Neuigkeiten rund ums HITS, seien es wissenschaftliche Entdeckungen, Erfolge unserer Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen oder aber allgemeine Veränderungen am HITS.

HITS is New Associate Partner of CompBioMed Project


Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS), represented by its Molecular and Cellular Modeling Group (MCM), led by Professor Rebecca Wade, has …

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On YouTube: Dr. Kashif Sadiq’s talk on „Predictive Synthetic Retrovirology“ at European Health Science Match 2016


Dr. Kashif Sadiq from Molecular and Cellular Modeling (MCM) group at HITS was one of the 100 speakers selected for the European …

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On YouTube: LERU Doctoral Summer School, Leiden 2016


Mehmet Öztürk, PhD student from Molecular and Cellular Modeling (MCM) group recently participated in the 2016 LERU Doctoral Summer School held …

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2016: Fundamentals of Simulation Methods


Winter semester 2016/2017 by Frauke Gräter and Rüdiger Pakmor This lecture (MVComp1) is part of the specialization in Computational Physics …

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Lecture: Stellar structures, evolution, and explosions


Winter semester 2016/2017 Prof. Dr. F. Röpke, L. Horst, Dr. P. Edelmann, Dr. S. Jones, Dr. S. Ohlmann Lecture:  Tuesday, 14 – 16 …

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Auf YouTube: Der Schlüssel zur Proteinbindung


Der Exzellenzcluster CellNetworks hat jetzt ein Youtube-Video zu diesem Projekt veröffentlicht. Die Produktion wurde durch Research in Germany/DFG ermö…

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Dynamic disorder can explain non-exponential kinetics of fast protein mechanical unfolding


Dr. Bogdan Costescu et al. unfolded a protein in the computer thousands of times – and successfully detected signatures that hint …

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First simulation of binary stars in the common envelope phase including magnetic fields


During the common envelope (CE) phase, a giant star in a binary system overflows its Roche lobe and unstable mass transfer …

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Successful computing time proposal at SCC, Karlsruhe


Friedrich Röpke and Sebastian Ohlmann of the PSO group were granted 4.4 million core hours of computing time on the computing …

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Australische Astrophysiker besuchen das HITS


Die Astrophysiker Ashley Ruiter, Ivo Seitenzahl und Fiona Panther von der Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra besuchten die PSO-Gruppe am …

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