Gruppenleiter „Scientific Computing“ am HITS
Professor für High Performance Computing am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)


Algorithmen, Parallelcomputing, Parallel Architectures und Evolutionary Bioinformatik.

Über mich

Ich bin in Athen aufgewachsen und 1995 nach Deutschland gezogen, um Informatik zu studieren. Während meines Studiums in München verbrachte ich auch mehrere Auslandsaufenthalte in Lyon, Paris, Madrid und Athen. Vor meinem PhD und meiner Arbeit in der Bioinformatik, habe ich vor allem im Bereich der Entwicklung von Software für Fluglotsen gearbeitet.

Curriculum Vitae

Seit 2012     Adjunct professor am Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology an der University of Arizona at Tucson, USA
Seit 2012     Professor für High Performance Computing am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Seit 2010     Leiter der “Scientific Computing” Gruppe am HITS
2008-2010    Leiter einer DFG Emmy-Noether Junior Forschungsgruppe an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München und der Technischen Universität München
2006-2008    PostDoc an der Eidgenössischen Technische Hochschule Lausanne, Schweiz
2005-2006    PostDoc am Institute for Computer Science, Foundation of Research and Technology Hellas, Heraklion, Griechenland
2001-2004    PhD an der der Technischen Universität München
1995-2001    Studium der Informatik an der Technischen Universität München und der Universität Lyon, Frankreich



2016: Für den Kurs „Hands-on Bioinformatics Practical“ am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) im Sommersemester 2015
2015: Für den Kurs „Introduction to Bioinformatics for Computer Scientists“ am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) im Wintersemester 2014/15








  • Darriba D, Flouri T, Stamatakis A (2018). The state of software for evolutionary biology, Molecular Biology and Evolution, 35(5):1037–1046 322
  • Hoang DT, Vinh LS, Flouri T, Stamatakis A, Häseler Av, Minh BQ (2018). MPBoot: fast phylogenetic maximum parsimony tree inference and bootstrap approximation, BMC Evolutionary Biology, 18(1):11 323
  • Psonis N, Antoniou A, Karameta E, Leaché AD, Kotsakiozi P, Darriba D, Kozlov A, Stamatakis A, Poursanidis D, Kukushkin O, others (2018). Resolving complex phylogeographic patterns in the Balkan Peninsula using closely related wall-lizard species as a model system, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 125:100–115 324
  • Barbera P, Kozlov AM, Czech L, Morel B, Darriba D, Flouri T, Stamatakis A (2018). EPA-ng: Massively Parallel Evolutionary Placement of Genetic Sequences, Systematic Biology 68(2):365-369 325
  • Czech L, Stamatakis A (2018). Methods for Automatic Reference Trees and Multilevel Phylogenetic Placement, Bioinformatics, pp. advance online access 332
  • Czech L, Stamatakis A (2018). Scalable Methods for Post-Processing, Visualizing, and Analyzing Phylogenetic Placements, bioRxiv, p. 346353 333
  • Morel B, Kozlov AM, Stamatakis A (2018). ParGenes: a tool for massively parallel model selection and phylogenetic tree inference on thousands of genes., Bioinformatics 35(10):1771-1773 334
  • Stamatakis A (2018). Population and Evolutionary Genetic Inferences in the Whole-Genome Era: Software Challenges, In Population Genomics, Springer 335
  • Trefzer A, Stamatakis A (2018). Compressing Streams of Phylogenetic Trees, bioRxiv, p. 440644 336
  • Kozlov A, Darriba D, Flouri T, Morel B, Stamatakis A (2018). RAxML-NG: A fast, scalable, and user-friendly tool for maximum likelihood phylogenetic inference, bioRxiv, p. 447110 337



  • Mahé F, Vargas Cd, Bass D, Czech L, Stamatakis A, Lara E, Singer D, Mayor J, Bunge J, Sernaker S, Siemensmeyer T, Trautmann I, Romac S, Berney C, Kozlov A, Mitchell EA, Seppey CVW, Egge E, Lentendu G, Wirth R, Trueba G, Dunthorn M (2016). Soil Protists in Three Neotropical Rainforests are Hyperdiverse and Dominated by Parasites, biorxiv;050997v3,[Preprint] 114
  • Scholl C, Kobert K, Flouri T, Stamatakis A (2016). The divisible load balance problem with shared cost and its application to phylogenetic inference, In Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops, 2016 IEEE International, pp. 408–417 115
  • Darriba D, Weiß M, Stamatakis A (2016). Prediction of missing sequences and branch lengths in phylogenomic data, Bioinformatics, 32(9):1331–1337 116
  • Hoff M, Orf S, Riehm B, Darriba D, Stamatakis A (2016). Does the choice of nucleotide substitution models matter topologically?, BMC Bioinformatics, 17(1):143 117
  • Kobert K, Stamatakis A, Flouri T (2016). Efficient detection of repeating sites to accelerate phylogenetic likelihood calculations, Systematic Biology 122
  • Kozlov AM, Zhang J, Yilmaz P, Glöckner FO, Stamatakis A (2016). Phylogeny-aware identification and correction of taxonomically mislabeled sequences, Nucleic Acids Research, 44(11):5022–5033 124
  • Kapli P, Lutteropp S, Zhang J, Kobert K, Pavlidis P, Stamatakis A, Flouri T (2016). Multi-rate Poisson Tree Processes for single-locus species delimitation under Maximum Likelihood and Markov Chain Monte Carlo, biorxiv;063875v1,[Preprint] 125
  • Hoang DT, Vinh LS, Flouri T, Stamatakis A, Häseler Av, Minh BQ (2016). A new phylogenetic tree sampling method for maximum parsimony bootstrapping and proof-of-concept implementation, In Knowledge and Systems Engineering (KSE), 2016 Eighth International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering (KSE), Hanoi, 2016, pp. 1–6 127



  • Fuller JC, Khoueiry P, Dinkel H, Forslund K, Stamatakis A, Barry J, Budd A, Soldatos TG, Linssen K, Rajput AM (2013). Biggest challenges in bioinformatics, EMBO Rep 14(4):302-304 739

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